Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!


TOPICS - • Leadership Trust •Retention Performance  Employee Engagement  Authenticity • Team Culture •Humanity • Professional Development • Mindset



  • The Future of Work: Why Humanity Matters


  • From Attrition to Attraction


  • Trust and Connection in a Hybrid World       


  • Leading During Uncertainty


The Culture we talk about should be the Culture people actually experience.


David Mead is bringing humanity back to work. For over 13 years David has worked with and learned from leaders all over globe. He has discovered a pattern that is present with every leader worth following.

David began his career in corporate training in 2004. In 2009 he was the second person to join speaker and author, Simon Sink's team. For the next 10 years, David helped share Simon's simple, inspiring ideas through speaking and workshops.

In 2017, David applied his years of practical experience and learning and co-authored, with Peter Docker and Simon Sink, Find Your Why: a practical guide for discovering the WHY of an individual, team or organization. It has sold over 400,000 copies and is translated into 25 languages.

Since Dec, 2019 David has focused on helping leaders implement the powerful ideas he now talks about. He shares a simple framework that allows each of us to lead and influence others with genuine humanity, no matter our role or title. The result? Higher performance, innovation, collaboration, retention and importantly, well-being for us and our teams.

David has worked with over 300 companies in 21 countries. He brings a relatable, human approach to leadership along with simple, practical tools leaders and their teams can use to create trust and human connection every day. Using these tools, we can each contribute to environments where we want to work, not where we have to work.

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3 Practices To Become A More Human Leader

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An Intro to Human Leadership 

We’ve all experienced different leaders. Each has their own style, their own personality, their own level of intensity. And despite those differences, what all truly great leaders have in common is a relentless, daily commitment to helping others thrive. To behave in ways that build trust, relay genuine care for the humans in their charge and allow people to feel valued and valuable as they work toward something bigger than themselves.

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