Wendy Ellin is a Workplace Productivity Consultant, International Speaker, Coach & #1 Bestselling Author of Working From Home...How's That Working For You? Her insights into living an organized life are shared in her presentations with irreverence, humor, and a level of passion that motivates her audience to TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION. She talks about real life challenges that we all experience such as email overload, being on time (or not), reasonable expectations for getting things done, and much more. And now that we are all working from home, the challenges are new, they are vast, and they are real.
It is from Wendy's 20 plus years in the corporate arena that she drew from her own successes by working smart, not hard - that inspired her to develop the tools and techniques for increasing workplace (and work-from-home) productivity, and ultimately a renewed sense of peace of mind. Wendy believes that “it’s one thing to love what you do, and another to LOVE THE WAY YOU DO IT.”