Vickie Johnson was raised an impoverished child. She put herself through school and attained an associate degree in Busines with Highest Honors. After which, she continued her education and received a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, graduating Summa Cum Laude.
She went on to work for a small call center as a telemarketing agent. she won multiple awards such as Circle of Excellence and President’s Club, as well as some other specialty performance awards including highest sales amongst the telesales team. Her career soared.
She went on to work in the BPO space and climbed her way to Sr. Director of training for global outsourcing companies. Working for BPO’s allowed her to gain exposure to a variety of vertical markets. Government, Finance, Automotive, Cable, Satellite, Wireless, Retail, and Entertainment are a few examples of her knowledge and support.
Speaking, training, and motivating are her passions and her abilities in these areas have served her well in her career. Now, she shares her experience and insights with others to help them grow in their own roles.