Vickie Gould’s expertise in the the areas of storytelling and Law of Attraction makes for a unique combination where her clients and audience leave with a bigger sense of what they’re on earth to do. They walk away empowered to fulfill their mission in life, help more people, create meaning and leave a legacy … AND do it in a way that creates wealth and abundance with ease and flow (no overwhelm!).
Vickie is a certified Law of Attraction business and book coach who studied under Joe Vitale and is currently coached by Lisa Nichols. Using her signature holistic strategy, she helps her clients write best selling books tht share their stories impactfully, grow their following, attract ideal clients, increase their income and make the worldwide impact they desire.
Vickie is also a speaker and a regular Huffington Post contributor and was contacted by Dr. Phil’s Assistant producer after her story ran there. She is the author 8 international best selling books like Hit Publish! and Standing in the Gap, and has helped nearly 100 others become best selling authors as well.
She has been seen on ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX, and contributed to, Writer’s Digest, HuffPost, Thrive Global, Funnel Magazine, YFS Magazine, OM Times, The Mighty and more.
Vickie uses her sense of humor, master story-weaving ability, true heart for people, and fun spirit to change lives, renew minds and create more zeal for her clients and audience.
She is known for her unique shoes which are a symbol of her overcoming the confines of Chronic Lyme Disease and being able to enjoy living life to the fullest, in heels.