“TJ talks about things in a way that actually wants me to take the time to take care of myself. All women should hear about the Estrogen Map.”
S.G., Commercial Planning, PepsiCo
“Ms. Hills makes a highly technical subject east to understand to general, research and medical audience. Genomic Testing is the future of medicine and she is ahead of the pack.”
LB, Event Manager, Labroots Genetics Virtual Week,
"TJ speaks common sense on a topic which sorely requires more; women’s bodies. She brings to light issues hiding in plain sight like how we take drugs to manage our sex lives for decades."
"TJ provides valuable insight on the specifics of estrogen metabolism and the impact on her own breast cancer. She is a fierce partner in the global fight against cancer."
"This event was presented virtually TJ talks about women’s bodies and what we take during our fertility cycle in a way that gives me a lot to think about and do. Every women should hear her."
"Ms. Hills makes a highly technical subject easily understandable to both a lay, research and medical audience. Genomic Testing is the future of medicine and she is ahead of the pack."
T.J. Hills, is the Author of the Best-Seller, Sex, Drug, Babies and Breast Cancer: Health Benefits of Estrogen Gene Testing. She is a powerful motivational speaker on women’s health and wellness, breast cancer prevention, work-life balance and estrogen gene testing. “It took me almost 50 years to figure it out, but self-care must come first above everything else. Hindsight is 20/20, but if I had known more about my body at a younger age, especially my body’s less than perfect ability to detoxify metabolize estrogen, I hope I might have made different medical choices and perhaps even my breast cancer might have been prevented.”
A breast cancer patient in remission since 2009, TJ is a Board Member of the Better Estrogen Foundation, Former Board Member of the Estrogen Gene Test Co and Hormonal Cancer Foundation. T.J. Hills has spent 35 years on Wall Street and 20 years ago founded a research and data consultancy that advises Institutional Investors. She has appeared on National TV, radio and print outlets across the country and spoken at major medical and corporate conferences as well as large and small women’s groups inspiring women and their physicians to improve their overall estrogen health starting with a simple estrogen gene test.
T.J. recently did a TedTalk in Toronto titled Estrogen: Lifesaver or Toxic?
T.J.'s Book...
Sex, Drugs, Babies, And Breast Cancer
T.J. Hills was a busy working mother of 3 young boys in 2009 when she was diagnosed with an aggressive Stage III breast cancer.
Like over 80% of breast cancer patients, she was the first person in her extended family to be diagnosed. She later learned that while there was no family history of cancer there was extensive medical conditions resulting from less than perfect estrogen metabolism; conditions such as endometriosis, fibroid tumors, infertility and ovarian cysts.
She took a simple gene test and learned how to improve her estrogen health with easy steps including common nutritional supplements like fish oil and Vitamin C and ones less widely known like DIM.
TJ took many estrogen medications and substances before her breast cancer diagnosis and believes she would have made many different choices if she knew about her estrogen capabilities earlier.
Common everyday choices that women make can be better informed by taking an estrogen metabolism gene test.
Should I take the birth control pill? My daughter is 11 and is having painful periods. Should she take the birth control pill? Should I take hormone replacement therapy or bioidentical hormone therapy? Should I take fertility medications?
How many rounds of ovulation induction? I want to wait to have a baby, should I freeze my eggs now?
If I have breast cancer in my family, are birth control pills or fertility meds or hormone replacement therapy options safe for me? I already have estrogen-fueled breast cancer, is there anything I can do to improve my prognosis odds?