Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Author | Columnist | Energy Literacy Consultant

Founder at PTS Advance | Professional Engineer

ronald Stein, P.E.

(Professional Engineer)

TOPICS - • Energy Literacy

Ronald Stein - PROGRAMS


  • Fireside Chat Energy Literacy

"My passion is to stimulate Energy Literacy conversations among teachers, students, friends, and family at the dinner table."

Ronald Stein

ronald Stein - Biography

RONALD STEIN is a Professional Engineer (P.E.), energy consultant, speaker, columnist, author of books and articles on energy literacy, environmental policy, and human rights, and Founder of PTS Advance, a California based company that provides staffing services to the energy industry Nationwide, Advancing People Through Business, and Business Through People.


PTS Advance is now part of the Huddl3 Group that is focused on investing in leading talent acquisition, software development, and professional service companies.


Ronald is:

·     Founder of PTS Advance

·     Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure

·     Co-author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated book “Clean Energy Exploitations

·     Internationally published columnist of Op Ed articles that focus on Energy Literacy at America Out Loud NEWS.

·     Policy advisor on Energy Literacy for The CO2 Coalition, The Heartland Institute, and The Committee for a Constructive             

      Tomorrow, and National TV Commentator- Energy & Infrastructure with Rick Amato.

Ron is an energy agnostic that encourages in-depth discussions, and explanations about energy related subjects for the public to be further become energy literate, about the many sides of renewable electricity and fossil fuels that support lifestyles and economies around the world.


Ronald advocates that energy literacy starts with the knowledge that wind and solar do different things than crude oil. Renewables only generate occasional electricity from unreliable breezes and sunshine but cannot manufacture anything for the eight billion on this planet, they just generate electricity.

Crude oil is virtually never used to generate electricity but when manufactured into petrochemicals, is the basis for virtually all the products in our materialistic society that did not exist before the 1800’s.

From the versatility of more than 6,000 products developed and now made from petroleum derivatives manufactured from crude oil, and the manufactured fuels that supports militaries, space programs, infrastructures that did not exist prior to 1800’s, 50,000 merchant ship, 50,000 jets, and 1.4 billion vehicles worldwide, the world has had more than 200 years to develop a replacement for crude oil, as wind and solar cannot manufacture anything for humanity.


The main aspect of Ron’s publications is spreading awareness among the public about energy-related subjects to increase their energy literacy. Being an energy agnostic, he tries to combat the stubbornly persistent limitations of policymakers’ energy literacy that impact entire communities, lifestyles, hunger, homelessness, and economies that plague too many Americans. His passion is to engage people in conversations about intermittent electricity from renewables, and the products and fuels manufactured from fossil fuels that collectively support lifestyles and economies of humankind worldwide. 

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Ronal Stein - MEDIA

Mandatory Emissions To Achieve Net Zero Is A Fool’s Game

Clean: Energy Exploitation

The global focus on reducing emissions must be ethical instead of supporting environmental degradation.

The book Clean Energy Exploitations - Helping citizens understand the environmental and humanity abuses that support 'clean' energy" is a Nominee for the 2022 Pulitzer Prize competition in the General Nonfiction category. Pulitzer Prize Winners and Finalists will be announced in April 2022.

They also emphasize the global nature of the problem, noting that the United States of America could cease to exist and we'd see environmental problems get worse. In this book, they answer questions such as:

Would the Green New Deal cut worldwide emissions?

What toll is energy racism and inequality taking on the world?

How effective are renewable forms of energy in meeting our needs?

Whose duty is it to reduce harmful pollution?

Green advocates often say they support sustainable and ethical coffee, sneakers, handbags, and diamonds-and they claim they won't tolerate unsafe conditions. But when it comes to green energy and battery energy storage systems for electrical grids and electric vehicles, the authors say it is a different story.

Just Green Electricity

Ronald Stein and Todd Royal, two seasoned veterans of the energy industry, explore the implications of a world reliant on intermittent green electricity in this book.

They highlight how the use of petroleum led to the Industrial Revolution; the dark side of electric vehicles, wind turbines, and solar panels; and why China and India – two of the world’s most populous countries – are rejecting the use of renewable electricity from wind and solar.

Before fossil fuels, life was hard and dirty with shorter life expectancies. Thousands of products made from petroleum derivatives used for medications, electronics, plastics, and transportation simply did not exist.

Many developing countries still don’t have easy access to fossil fuels. With limited transportation systems and few petroleum-based products, they do not enjoy the same opportunities as others.

Meanwhile, leaders around the globe are suggesting intermittent electricity from solar panels and wind turbines can save us. The reality, however, is much more complicated.

Find out what the world would really be like without fossil fuels with the insights and wisdom in Just GREEN Electricity.

Energy Made Easy

Energy is multifaceted, and Energy Made Easy allows the reader to grasp enough knowledge quickly so they can participate in discussions with family, friends, co-workers, or while watching news reports. The main purpose of the book is to Help Citizens Become Energy-Literate.

As an added benefit to the reader, each chapter is a stand-alone read on twelve energy subjects. The readers may not be interested in the entire spectrum of energy, but can selectively pick, and choose hot energy topics, trending on current news or social media coverage.

It is dangerous and delusional to believe anything can be explained in sound bites, much less energy. This book will make you look at energy and electricity in a new, fresh way, and perspective. We believe this is desperately needed with the upcoming U.S. Presidential election, and global events taking place in China, Russia, Iran, Africa, India, and South America.

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