Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

rebecca bitton


rebecca bitton - PROGRAMS


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rebecca bitton - BIOGRAPHY

Rebecca is a passionate mental wellness consultant, educator, speaker, and workshop facilitator dedicated to helping female entrepreneurs overcome their personal and mental health challenges and lead lives serving their communities with their unique purpose. She is also the former president of Hope + Me (formerly known as the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario - MDAO) speaker’s bureau “Peer Talk.” Rebecca has spoken for large employee’s unions like the OPSEU (Ontario Public Service Employees Union), hospitals including Sunnybrook Hospital as well as many rehabilitation centres on mental health and wellbeing. She has been a guest peer advocacy speaker on many podcasts and has actively led peer support groups as well as in person classes on self-care and self-love practices tailored to help entrepreneurs prevent burnout and combat imposter syndrome.


Rebecca brings a unique perspective after reclaiming her power through her journey with bipolar disorder. She is a serial entrepreneur and educator advocating for work life harmony, self care, self love and living life with passion and purpose. Her wellness strategies and proven therapy practices have helped many develop custom recovery action plans that provide lasting mental, emotional and physical wellness allowing them to break the dependency on chronic therapy so they can become architects of their own lives and wellness journeys.


She has also been recognized as a proud organizer of fundraisers in support of major mental health organizations such CAMH (Centre of Addiction and Mental Health) in One Brave Night, CMHA, Hope + Me formerly known as the MDAO, and the Canadian Mental Health Association. She is the recipient of the CPRS Campaign of the Year Award as well as the Club Founders Award for her work at a women and children’s charity.

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rebecca bitton - MEDIA

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