Passionate, Inspiring, Moving, Authentically Engaging! Niki Spears is ready to take your team on a journey to enlightenment as
she opens their minds, hearts, and spirits! A former educator and school principal, Niki understands the struggles in education today and has supported hundreds of school leaders, districts, and administrators in finding the beauty underneath the struggle as they embrace strategies that will create and sustain a positive culture. Niki is the author of three books- one non-fiction titled, The Beauty Underneath the Struggle, and two children’s books, The Hand Hug and Kindness Is Contagious Too! Her third children’s book, titled BE... is scheduled to be released in August 2021.
Niki is currently touring the country empowering school leaders and educators to take 100% responsibility for their thoughts, actions, and attitudes. Her talks inspire teams to move beyond a victim mindset to that of a victor allowing them to take the pencil of life and create their masterpiece.
Niki currently resides in Houston, Texas with her husband Kermit, and three beautiful daughters– Bianca, Brandi and Brooklynn and one granddaughter, Baelor.