DEFEATING ADDICTION and The Power of Surrender
Hear the raw truth from a mother directly affected by her son’s heroin addiction, who witnessed her only child’s life ravished by drugs and now raises his son, whose mother eventually overdosed and died. She candidly tells how things miraculously changed for the bitter, the journey and what actions worked to save her son’s life.
Nichole shares her emotion-packed testimony and speaks openly and candidly about what her experiences have been then and now. Once her son was clean, she even co-authored the book “Hands up: The Power of Surrender. Defeating Addiction” with him and his now wife, who he met in recovery.
Not only is Nichole a mother who has experienced first-hand the tragedies, grief, loss and tough decisions addiction brings, she is also an attorney who represented parents and individuals battling addiction and mental health issues and others, often family members, affected by their loved one’s condition and choices. Drug addiction leaves many unseen victims in the wake of its horrid path. So Nichole advocates for changes within the legal system to address the needs and help for those affected by addiction, those in “the madness,” and more importantly, when they are trying to rebuild their life after sobriety.
Keywords: parenting, addiction, al-anon, adversity, self-care, drug use, drug abuse, sobriety, raising grandchildren, family, law, mental health, recovery, overcoming obstacles
Diagnosis of Chronic Illness
WHEN THE BODY BETRAYS: Living with a Chronic Illness
Keywords: Lupus, Cancer, MS, breast cancer, self-care, chronic illness, medical diagnosis, grief, wellness, overcoming adversity, health, lifestyle,