Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

TOPICS - • Coaching • Commitment • Executive Coaching
• Leadership • Mentoring • Performance • Purpose
• Sales • Success


  • Awaken The Warrior In You
  • NextGenSales=Serving the Customer
  • Creating a Compelling Value Proposition
  • Simplify the 'Choice Close' with Eloquence
  • The Gladiator Mind Set of Top Performing Sales Champions 
  • The Real Mission: I'M Possible - Attitude Euphoria
  • If you were building a Sales Robot- The Missing Human Factor 
  • Declaring War on Mediocrity - Growing Excellence from Within 
  • The Art of Drawing an F15 -  Great Leadership Modelling 
  • Selling Tickets on the Mission to Mars -  The Power of a Leaders Shared Vision 
  • My Top 15 Leadership Screw Ups of All Time - 15 years as a CEO 
  • Your Reality Might not matter to the taxi driver in Greece 
  • A Funny thing happened on the way to Beirut
  • Philanthropy - Humanitarian 
  • The Power of Sharing CSR with your Organizational Culture 
  • Taking a community idea to a movement and transforming it into an NGO 

 “Together, you can maximize your potential, unlock your capabilities, set clear goals and improve your life, career, and success.” 

-   Coach MJ Tolan

Having coached and mentored over 7,000 Business Owners and Training Thousands of Employees Around the World, Coach MJ Tolan is uniquely qualified of help anyone explore and discover their next best move forward.


 Coach MJ Tolan is an American author, speaker, and world class workshop facilitator who has spent more than 35 years abroad living in 8 countries as an entrepreneur.

During his career he orchestrated over a dozen company start ups, and built one of his organizations from 3 persons to 790 over 15 years in new emerging markets, such as Russia, Dubai, Lebanon, Eastern Europe and Asia.
As CEO he had 'Eureka' takeaways on managing Multi-lingua/Cultural Teams, CX all bearing valuable lessons in Sales, People management, Leadership, many of these nuggets are found in his book, 'Executive Powers'.

Today he acts as an advisor to several organizations, is co-chair of an NGO for Youth established in the year 2000, and is a Virtual Presenter/Host of various Podcast shows including The Real Mission I'M Possible Show with Coach M J.

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Success in 47 Minutes… the rest of the title scares some people away 🙂 If you sell for a living any service, real estate, insurance, anything, get your game on. Get the right sales psychology, just for you. It may seem impossible to believe, but you can really get Success in 47 minutes through the Formula. You may wish to use another cover when reading this in public or be ready to get some funny looks from people nearby. Deploy this life hacking technique to get more out of anything you do. 

Executive Powers is a leadership go-to manual to set the navigational course for top leaders today written by the head of the World Class Institute of Leadership and Innovation based on real practical experiences as a C level executive over a 25 year period in 8 country markets. Transform your leadership style through sharpening your own 'Executive Powers" and lead the way to successful ventures with people who will want to follow you.

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