Create Your Optimal Peak-Performing Culture
Culture, simply put, is the convergence of the way your employees think and act. That culture is producing your organization’s every result (financial, operational, customer, employee, etc.). If your future desired results are loftier, more difficult, of just different than those you are achieving today, will your current culture be able to deliver? Most often, the results teams and organizations must achieve in the future will require employees to think and act differently. Creating those ‘shifts’ in how employees think and act is what will propel your team or organization toward those desired results.
Your culture is your ‘brand.’ The experiences your culture creates (the manner in which your employees think and act) will either reinforce that current ‘brand’ or evoke a new one. You can either lead your culture, or it will lead you. An organization’s (or team’s) culture is either an engine propelling it toward it’s desired results, or an anchor impeding and hindering it’s progress. You can define, lead and shape your optimal culture.
Embrace memorable principles that can be put into practice immediately. Whatever the desired results you wish to achieve or challenges within your organization – employee engagement, culture change, breaking down silos, improving collaboration, raising employee morale, merging cultures, doing more with less – it is through your people that you will either succeed or fail. The manner in which your people behave is a reflection of leadership.
Learn to cultivate an environment where employees at all levels are engaged, energized and flourish. How do you effectively tap into the enormous wealth of creativity, innovation, passion, energy and commitment of employees that is often left idle? Much different than ‘job
satisfaction’ (there are a lot of highly paid miserable people who are satisfied with their job) – engagement is about passionate, focused and committed employees contributing daily to help achieve what matters most.
Through intentional focus on a few proven principles, you can ignite extraordinary results within your team or organization. Decades of research have pinpointed principles and practices that accelerate desired shifts in culture. These straightforward, practical and memorable tips can transform your culture to support and deliver your ‘must-achieve desired results.’ The results that will ensure you thrive and excel in the new world of work.
· Learn how to create shifts in the way employees think and act so that your desired culture will flourish and heighten organizational performance.
· Foster increased levels of trust, collaboration and teamwork
· Ignite a heightened sense of urgency, accountability, and ownership at all levels of your organization
· Intensify ownership, engagement and alignment – Crumble silos and abolish territorialism.
· Understand how to identify the root cause of undesired cultural beliefs and actions that impede progress, and how to infuse desired beliefs and actions to accelerate achievement of desired results.
· Discover how to gain voluntary commitments from colleagues so they self-select desired actions - Stop wasting time enforcing compliance around policies and procedures.
· Develop a culture where employees ‘bring more of themselves’ to the workplace – trigger innovation, creativity and passion.
· Create organizational laser-like focus on what matters most – eliminate confusion, misunderstanding, miscommunication, mistrust, frustration and indifference.
· Acquire principles and tools to help you clearly define and then establish your optimal culture.
· Discover what it takes to influence and inspire others – with or without positional authority.