Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Mark Entrekin

TOPICS - • Conflict Resolution • Culture • Diversity

• Inspirational • Leadership • Personal Development

• Prejudice • Professionalism • Self-Improvement

• Unity

mark entrekin - PROGRAMS

  • Achieving Unity by Ending Anger, Hate and Prejudice
  • The Agile Manifesto works, personally and professionally!
  • Pre-Nuptial Agreements, with or without Nuptials!

"You can keep your problem or create a solution,

Let me help you with the solution!™"

- Mark Entrekin

"Mark is a very engaging and likable speaker! His sense of humor combined with a strong message make for time well spent for any audience."

-Keith Renninson, Author of Tenacity, You Don't Have to Get Lost in Nepal to Find Yourself, But It Helps!

"I love Mark’s storytelling ability and his use of humor and intensity when appropriate. I really loved this speech because of the action step. The action step one can take, immediately, to help with labeling and judging . I was certainly inspired to do just that – the bringing to my awareness the judging and labeling and start questioning it. Thank you."

-Connie Warden

"Mark is a gentle kind man that has over a long time put great effort into learning to speak well in public. In his Achieving/Creating Unity speech, Mark skillfully connects a powerful personal story to the major point he conveys in the speech. His point is well supported, convincing, direct and done with his gentlemanly style."

-William Joseph Davis

"I am the Director of Speaker Engagement for the PMI Mile Hi Chapter. I had the pleasure of booking Mark Entrekin for our January 2022 Chapter meeting. Mark was a wealth of knowledge and gave our participants fantastic, practical information that they could use in their workplace. I recommended Mark as a speaker for our Agile Denver North chapter meeting where he received very positive feedback. Mark will be an asset to your audience and will have them think differently through his storytelling and relevant tips."

-Juliane Cooley

mark entrekin - Biography

Mark Entrekin is a Professional Speaker, Sr. Transformation Coach, Sr. Business Consultant and Entrepreneur. He holds a Master's Degree in Organizational Management and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Information Systems with multiple leadership certifications in Team Agile, Scaled Agile, ITIL and is a Distinguished Toastmaster.

He has over 40 years’ experience as a positive, innovative, pull up your shirt sleeves, lead to success, solutions driven leader with extensive experience in creating climates that increase desire, commitment and motivation to succeed. His diverse background brings an exceedingly complex understanding and insight into helping us all achieve unity, personally and professionally.

His understanding and insight gives him a unique and exciting approach to consulting, life coaching, business coaching, professional speaking and entrepreneurship that, in turn, support the directives we need most.

One of Mark’s keynote addresses is Achieving Unity by Caring, Helping and Including others as we End Anger, Hate and Prejudice through the elimination of the incorrect cultures created over a century ago. We must understand there is no value to the anger we express so often today. He explains that ANGER is nothing more than “Actions Not Gaining Effective Results!™”

Our culture, our natural behavior, is learned! We start our learning in our homes, with our parents, our siblings, our friends, in school, the activities we chose, the television shows we watched, our workplace and in many other life-long events and locations.

We can improve our culture, our learnings from yesterday, by rethinking what we are taught to believe about ourselves, what we believe about others and the actions we choose today and tomorrow.

Starting with any of the issues we manage at home, in the office or out in public, we can quickly re-evaluate our learned behaviors to identify “Where is the value” in that behavior? How much of our anger is only a learned frustration! “What the F...rustration?™”

Let Mark show you how we can turn learned Anger, Hate and Prejudice into Caring, Helping and Including Others as we are Achieving Unity based on today’s knowledge and not based on our behavior from incorrect assumptions, or opinions, we learned from the past.

As a Sr. Life Transformation and Mindset Coach, Mark works with families and individuals to support them in career development, divorce, family struggles, relationship concerns and parenting issues. He provides coaching to individuals, couples, teams, groups, departments, companies and enterprises to build successful partnerships and relationships.

His expertise includes anger management, arbitration, corporate consulting, divorce recovery, leadership learning, life transition, mediation and mastering motivation. He has also served as the Colorado Coordinator for the National Children's Rights Council and as President of The Best Parent is Both Parents plus working with multiple business organizations and universities. 

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mark entrekin - MEDIA

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