Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

A Success Coach, Peak Performance Strategist, Inspirational

Speaker, Chief Experience Officer at Inspire Success Global 

liz tweddle

TOPICS - • Belief • Commitment • Courage

• Determination • Focus • Integrity • Mental Health

• Perseverance • Resilience • Risk Management

• Vision

liz tweddle - PROGRAMS


  • A Platform For Success
  • Dive Into Success
  • Becoming An Olympian
  • igniting Hearts: To Believe, To Be Purposeful, To Make An Impact, To Inspire Others, To Lead, To Engage, To Uplift
  • An Olympian (or Winner) Mentality
  • Success Secrets
  • Is Sport Transformational?
  • Grit: The Passion to Persevere

Additional Programs



- Inspires People & Organizations to Maximize Success

"Liz is a mentor and an inspiration with her knowledge and leadership in varied business and volunteer positions. Her accomplishments in both her business and sports careers are a proud testament to the person she is. The dedication and hard work Liz puts into any project she undertakes is evident, especially in her endeavour to succeed and in pursuit of her Olympic career. Listening to Liz tell the story of her extraordinary life is not only entertaining, but also leaves you with valuable life lessons. I highly recommend Liz for any endeavor she undertakes."

-Arlene McDougall

"I have had the pleasure of knowing Liz Tweddle for a number of years. She has the ability to captivate a room, and inspire those around her. Her success as an Olympic athlete translates into an impactful presence in all she does."

-Ava Stochinsky, Owner of MyVATeam Inc. 

"I’m writing today in reference to an extremely colourful and truly inspiring storyteller, Liz Tweddle. I’ve been working together with Liz for a couple of years now and I knew, almost immediately, that I was in for a treat. Liz has the uncanny ability to perfectly curate her words to bring you on an elaborate journey. Reflecting back, you’ll realize there were life lessons intricately woven throughout and your end result is a new lens on humility, inspiration, determination or self belief. I’ve truly enjoyed our time together and would whole-heartedly recommend Liz for any speaking engagements!"

-Kris Noble, Senior Manager Community Initiatives, ATB Financial

"I have known Elizabeth (Liz) Carruthers (Tweddle) for many years. As an Olympian, who has demonstrated dedication, perseverance, and determination by winning Gold/Silver medals for her beloved country. Liz is a role model to men and women around the world who want to follow their dreams. Whether you are an athlete, entrepreneur, business or just striving to perfect a skill, Liz has the leadership ability to help you reach your goals.Seeing Liz in action is so impactful. Her style, energy, and how she carries herself commands the room! If she is speaking to one person or a hundred, Liz makes you feel empowered. Liz has the courage that most people wished they had, to use her voice and be heard in the pursuit of excellence."

-Donna Lefneski, Senior Managing Partner with DDI Investments

"Having known and worked with Liz in the past, I am never surprised by the business acumen or accomplishments she achieves. From Olympic Diving to the Boardroom, Liz is a coveted asset to any team. She is comfortable in any corporate or personal environment and can draw on all her accomplishments in sport and business to deliver exceptional presentations of value and meaning. Highly recommend Liz, as she is truly a one of a kind person with business acumen that far outweighs the accomplishments she has had in the sports world, and those, to be candid, were exceptional. An athlete and a business leader, with an amazing story to tell."

-John Windwick, MBA, Vice-President, Community Initiatives ATB Financial 

I have known Elizabeth for 7 years. She is a dedicated business person who possesses tremendous leadership skills and ethical calibre. She has a wonderful personal charm, strong business connections and terrific organization skills. On top of that, she is also kind and caring, never hesitates to provide assistance whenever it's needed. I am very thankful to have known Elizabeth as a friend and a trustworthy business partner.

-Leonard Li General Manager of Shenyang ACS Overseas Services Co., Ltd.

Liz is not only a Hall of Fame inductee but has been a tremendous asset to the City of Edmonton Salute to Excellence Council. Along with her leadership skills, she brings energy, enthusiasm, and program knowledge. Liz has provided extensive contribution to both the Salute to Excellence program and the community at large. She is truly a tribute! I highly recommend Liz in any venture you may have towards success.

- Donna Braley-Bobey, Executive Director, Community Service, City of Edmonton

“Liz, you always have an amazing way of connecting to people. It’s a gift. You are special. Share it!" I highly recommend Liz for inspirational & motivational speaking, coaching & mentoring...anything dealing with people and growing business.

- R Bruce Keltie, Founder, CloverBar Sand & Gravel

Liz is a born leader and mentor. She has a way of connecting with people. She is knowledgeable, experienced, has strength of character yet compassionate. Liz is truly authentic! I'm definitely buying her book!

- Marta Vincze, Owner/Founder, NuVentures Hair & Esthetics

You’re amazing…..

- Trica Radison, Final-Eyes Communications

A Canadian, who represented her native country at the 1972 Summer Olympics in MunichWest Germany. She won a total of two medals

(one gold, one silver) at the Pan American Games (1971 and 1975). She won a silver medal at the 1970 British Commonwealth Games.

liz tweddle - BIOGRAPHY

She’s a dynamo with charm, and a person with determination. She has a smile that could light up the dimmest room. As engaged as she is in many community and volunteer activities, Liz always takes a moment to find out how you are, easily earning the friendship of those around her. You can always enjoy Liz’s coy sense of humour and see the confidence she exudes.

Who is she? Liz Tweddle, Olympic Athlete, Businesswoman and Speaker. 

Her keynotes focus on embracing and inspiring passion, purpose and personal leadership. Liz draws on her extensive personal experiences from a challenging childhood, multiple sport failures and successes, as well as her extensive business career. Through Liz’s powerful speeches, she transforms her memories into motivation, her trials, and traumas into skills, giving her audiences different perspectives on life’s many twists and turns. Her presentations are described as energetic, enlightening, captivating, and impactful.


Liz is a 3X Olympian, National and International Diving Champion, Halls of Fame Inductee, First Female NCAA Title, Athlete of the Year at California State University Northridge, recognized by Sports Illustrated, Chair of Alberta Alumni, Commonwealth Games Canada, Coach, Mentor, amongst many other titles. Liz is an athlete who still upholds the Olympic ideals: friendship through sport, discipline, dedication, integrity, camaraderie, spirit. To this day, she consistently promotes those ideals.

Her business career of over 25 years in the corporate world provided Liz with expansive growth and experience encompassing, administration, management, training, facilitation, sales, marketing, communications, customer service, and business ownership, locally, nationally, and internationally. Liz has also always been actively involved in volunteerism, including in the areas of long-term care, performing arts, events management, youth development, and sports, exemplifying her commitment to community giving back with her time, energy, empathy, and compassion.

Her business career has not always been that of Executive Offices and Boards, but rather, on a real board. A diving board, that is! She has an impressive diving career that extended over 10 years, not including her years as a coach and mentor to young up-and-coming athletes.

Liz was 7 years old, when her father was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. He was forcefully retired from his job as a welder and income became minimal. She started her first job at age 10 delivering the local newspaper and hasn’t stopped since.

When asked how she was introduced to sports. She jokingly replied, “I was a pretty high- energy kid, so to poop me out and go to sleep at night, my parents put me into every activity they could find. “Sports, as it turned out, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It transformed my life”. 

“At first”, she says, “you think in terms of medals and victories, but eventually you figure it out… you have embarked on a journey, one that is about much more than diving and medals. It’s about people and relationships, places and experiences, trials and tribulations. It shapes how you think and who you are. You never really end your journey, but you can take all those life-learned lessons with you to your next stop. Keep travelling, keep learning, keep growing.”

At age 15, Liz moved to Montreal to train with one of Canada’s top coaches. Subsequently, he moved to Los Angeles and Liz followed. There she was determined to financially support herself to remove any burden from her parents at home in Edmonton. High school was 7 ‘til noon, work at the cafeteria was 1 to 5pm and training from 7-10pm.  Liz managed to find a one room apartment with a 2-burner hot plate that she could afford. Eventually though, it was discovered she was underage living alone. It meant getting kicked out of school. Finding a solution, Liz found a live-in nanny position though she had to change high schools. Her demonstrated strength of character supported her mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially throughout.

Liz Carruthers represented Canada in the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Germany. This was a lifetime experience that she will never forget. Having won numerous National and International titles, Liz was identified as the contender most likely to win the gold. However, she was injured in the first round of competition and did not dive in the finals.   It was extremely heart breaking. And then, the unthinkable, devastating terrorist attack on the Israeli team, shaking ever last person to their core. It was an experience no one could imagine nor would ever want to have, but it only proved Liz’s spirit throughout her life journey.

Only 2 months after the Olympic Games, Liz was in a major vehicle accident disrupting her diving career for 2 ­­½ years which included back and neck braces and constant physiotherapy.   This was most likely when her sports career would be at its best. At the time of the accident, Liz was travelling to an agency to pick up airline tickets to South Africa where she would be defending the South African Cup title, she earned the previous year.

More devastating was the loss of the sports scholarship awarded her by USC which they had just cancelled! Scholarship was it… there was no funding for school. Liz would have to make a massive pivot. 

Eventually, in 1975, Liz was awarded a small scholarship to CSUN but on the condition, she dive on the men’s swimming team! And that she did, showing amazing perseverance and resilience to not only recover from the accident but also to start up diving again. Especifically, in most unusual circumstances!

Liz attended the state university studying Communications, with a minor in Theatre Arts. While there, she earned the All-American title in the National College Championships (NCAA), traditionally given to top male athletes in collegiate sport. Liz was the first female in history to win the title, competing in the all-men’s competition. As a result of her diving points, CSUN won NCAA Division II Gold!  Liz was honoured as Athlete of the Year at CSUN, provided a Key to the City of Los Angeles, and acknowledged by Sports Illustrated for this unprecedented victory.

Although breaking new territory for women, Liz said she had a great deal of fun competing with the “guys” and made some great friends. She indicated she learned a tremendous amount about respect, self-respect, honour and integrity. She believes many good things came out of that challenge. 

Going down memory lane aroused a whole array of emotions for Liz. One of her fondest memories was what she felt when 105,000 cheering fans greeted her, as Canada’s flag-bearer. Liz led 500 of her fellow Canadian athletes into the Opening Ceremonies at the Pan American Games in Mexico City.

She relates what an incredible thrill and incredible honour to be chosen amongst all those champions to be Canada’s representative. Liz recalls it released emotions of pride and patriotism that she didn’t even know existed… And she also got to keep the flag!

As for these days, through her speaking engagements, Liz is assisting others on how to Dive into their Success, rather than into a pool!

Additional Endorsements


"To whom it may concern,


I’m writing today in reference to an extremely colourful and truly inspiring storyteller, Liz Tweddle. I’ve been working together with Liz for a couple of years now and I knew, almost immediately, that I was in for a treat. Liz has the uncanny ability to perfectly curate her words to bring you on an elaborate journey. Reflecting back, you’ll realize there were life lessons intricately woven throughout and your end result is a new lens on humility, inspiration, determination or self belief. I’ve truly enjoyed our time together and would whole-heartedly recommend Liz for any speaking engagements!"

- Kris Noble, Senior Manager Community Initiatives, ATB Financial


“Liz, you always have an amazing way of connecting to people. It’s a gift. You are special. Share it!” I highly recommend Liz for inspirational & motivational speaking, coaching &mentoring… anything dealing with people and growing business."

- R. Bruce Keltie, Founder, President CloverBar Sand & Gravel


"Having known and worked with Liz in the past, I am never surprised by the business acumen or accomplishments she achieves. From Olympic Diving to the Boardroom, Liz is a coveted asset to any team. She is comfortable in any corporate or personal environment and can draw on all her accomplishments in sport and business to deliver exceptional presentations of value and meaning. Highly recommend Liz, as she is truly a one-of-a-kind person with business acumen that far outweighs the accomplishments she has had in the sports world, and those, to be candid, were exceptional. An athlete and a business leader, with an amazing story to tell."

 - John Windwick, MBA, Vice-President, Community Initiatives ATB Financial 



"Liz is a born leader and mentor. She has a way of communicating and connecting with people. She is knowledgeable, experienced, has strength of character yet compassionate. Liz is truly authentic! I’m definitely buying her book!

- Marta Vincze. Owner/Founder NuVentures Hair & Esthetics


You’re amazing….."

- Tricia Radisson, Final-Eyes Communications


"I have known Elizabeth for 7 years. She is a dedicated business person who possesses tremendous leadership skills and ethical calibre. She has a wonderful personal charm, strong business connections and terrific organizational skills. On top of that, she is also kind and caring, never hesitates to provide assistance whenever it is needed. I am very thankful to have known Elizabeth as a friend and trustworthy business partner."

- Leonard Li, General Manager, Shenyang ACS Overseas Services Co. Ltd.


"I have known Elizabeth (Liz) Carruthers (Tweddle) for many years. As an Olympian, who has demonstrated dedication, perseverance, and determination by winning Gold/Silver medals for her beloved country. 

Liz is a role model to men and women around the world who want to follow their dreams. Whether you are an athlete, entrepreneur, business or just striving to perfect a skill, Liz has the leadership ability to help you reach your goals.

Seeing Liz in action is so impactful. Her style, energy, and how she carries herself commands the room! If she is speaking to one person or a hundred, Liz makes you feel empowered. Liz has the courage that most people wished they had, to use her voice and be heard in the pursuit of excellence."

- Donna Lefneski, Senior Managing Partner, DDI Investments


"Liz is not only a Hall of Fame Inductee but has been a tremendous asset to the City of Edmonton Salute to Excellence Council, the City’s Hall of Fame Board. Along with her leadership skills, she brings energy, enthusiasm and program knowledge. Liz has provided extensive contribution to both the Salute to Excellence program as a Board member and Committee Chair and the Community at large. She is truly a tribute! I highly recommend Liz in any venture you may have towards success."

- Donna Bradley-Bobey, Executive Director, Community Service City of Edmonton


"To whom it may concern, I have had the pleasure of knowing Liz for many years. We have worked together on various committees. Liz brings her unique experience as a high-level Olympian athlete and all the life lessons that come with training, travel, and expertise. Liz is comfortable in a business or sport environment she will bring inspiring stories and life lessons to any setting. I would not hesitate to recommend Liz for any speaking engagement – she is more than inspiring and inspirational!"

 - Deb Newton, Owner, Trend Promotion Solutions Ltd.


"From my tenure in the banking industry and as Past President of ATB Financial, I have known Liz Tweddle for 25 years and I’m pleased to write this endorsement on her behalf. I first met Liz when I was the Executive Vice-President of Sales for ATB Financial and further invited her to be my personal Executive Assistant when I became President. In my professional career, I have seldom observed and experienced a person with the motivation, energy and intellectual capacity of Liz Tweddle. She demonstrated an exceptionally high level of initiative, commitment, reliability, and competence, with me, the Executive of ATB and with her colleagues. 

Liz’s sense of humour, creativity and enthusiasm combined with her research, analytical skills and business acumen make her a top-tier candidate for any kind of engagement about leadership . For example, she to voluntarily created an Executive Assistant Group designed to assist each other in their roles, streamlining administrative processes and furthering their knowledge and education. Liz mentors through action and leads extremely well. She was a diligent worker and committed to the growth and enhancement of the entire organization. Liz is an exceptional communicator, facilitator and connector of people, representing the President and Executive Office(r/s) both within and outside the financial institution. Her level of professionalism is outstanding, and she has garnered a great deal of respect from everyone around her."

"Liz has been an extraordinary volunteer in the performing arts, health, marketing, PGA & golfing communities from Member to Chair of the Board. She still volunteers and maintains active roles varying from Committee Chair to Emcee, Moderator and Speaker at community events."

"There is no doubt in my mind that Liz’s rise from an early age from sports champion in 3 different sports to Pan American Gold Medalist, Canadian Flag Bearer and 3x Olympic esteem, demonstrates her ability to capture, relate and impart to her audience the lessons learned through the trials and tribulations experienced along her journey in pursuit of excellence to the ultimate the outcome of success. She exudes passion, empathy, resilience that is clearly integral to great leadership. Whatever topic she will wow you with her winning energy and ability to connect with any audience.

In light of the comments above, it is with great enthusiasm that I formally recommend Liz Tweddle for your next Keynote Speaker requirement. Engagement with a woman of this caliber for any speaking position is profoundly justified. I have no doubt that she will continue to excel in all Liz Tweddle does."

- Robert J. Normand, Past President ATB Financial


"Meet Liz! I can’t even describe the time I had with this amazing woman. The stories she told me of her time as an Olympic competitive div er blew my mind. She’s lived 5 lifetimes compared to the one I’m striving to get through. Standing in her “I love me room” as she called it, was filled with overwhelming history, and I was more than willing to know about it. Liz wanted headshots for her speaking engagements and her website, and I hope I did them to her Gold medal standard. Thank you so much Liz for the opportunity to get to know you! 

#lovewhatido, #dreams, #goals, #olympics, #olympicdreams, #diving, #speaker, #motivation, #aimhigher, #beextraordinary, #livelife, #youvegotthis, #striveforgreatness."

- Nicole Kent, Nicole Kent Photography


"I have known Liz Tweddle for 20 years and it’s my pleasure to write this Endorsement on her behalf. I engaged with Liz as a Provincial MLA (4 years) and then a Councillor for the City of Edmonton (16 years).

Liz was involved in the community where we met numerous events. In order to run in Politics there is an enormous expense to a successful campaign. I asked Liz if she would be on my campaign team; as a fundraiser. Liz was involved in 4 of my campaigns; the last as Campaign Manager. During that time we became good friends.
Liz was always a knowledgeable go to person for her take on many City Issues. Liz is personable, creative and has enthusiasm on all issues, she has and is involved in. Liz is a exceptional Communicator, Leader, Facilitator and Connector of people and, most importantly, a Team Player."

"In my experience of knowing Liz, she has proven to be an exceptional Volunteer on Capital Care Foundation; which she chaired for a few years. I am on other boards and foundations that she has been a very active member. She still Volunteers and maintains active roles as a Emcee, Committee Chair; and Speaker at community events."

"In conclusion to everything I commented on above, it is with great pleasure that I formally recommend Liz Tweddle for your next Keynote Speaker Requirement. I have no doubt that Liz will be a wonderful Representative in everything that she is involved in and committed to.

Thank You."
- Ed Gibbons, Former Member of Alberta Legislator; Former City Councillor for the City of Edmonton.

"I have had the pleasure of knowing Liz Tweddle for a number of years. She has the ability to captivate a room, and inspire those around her. Her success as an Olympic athlete translates into an impactful presence in all she does."

 - Ava Stochinsky, Owner of MyVATeam Inc. 

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