Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Motivational Speaker/Heart Transplant Recipient

KyreÉ Miller

TOPICS - • Adversity • Challenge • Fear

• Inspirational • Motivation • Obstacles • Resilience

kyreÉ miller - PROGRAMS

  • If My Heart Can Do It, Your Heart Can Do It!
  • I’ve Had Five Open-Heart Surgeries… Now Let's Talk About Resilience!

kyreÉ miller - Biography

Kyree is a captivating speaker who draws from his many years of experience as a cardiac patient and transplant recipient, in Boston’s medical community.  After working with many of Boston’s premier hospitals, he’s made his own lane in the medical world and continues to pave that road.

After seeing the “white light’ twice, having two LVADs (Left Ventricular Assitance Device), undergoing five open heart surgeries, and getting a heart transplant in 2022, Kyree remains positive to share and spread his message.

Kyree’s warmth, energy, honesty, and insight have inspired audiences across the country. 

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kyreÉ miller - MEDIA

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