Unlock Your Brain’s Full Potential with
Joe Templin, THE Human Kaizen Expert
E v e r y D a y E x c e l l e n c e
TOPICS - • Excellence • Grit • Growth
• Personal Improvement • Productivity
• Resilience • Sustainability • Vision
THE Human Kaizen Expert Joe Templin has invested the past three decades to helping individuals and organizations unlock their potential as a planner, trainer, mentor and creator. He is a #1 author with “Every Day Excellence” which derives from his experiences as an ultramarathoner, special needs parent, former international martial arts champion, research physicist, and ethics instructor. He has helped millions of people and thousands of companies be a bit better every day in some way with his humor, creativity, and tough love.
Joseph RR Templin, MCEC, CEC, CLU, ChFC, CAP has served as a volunteer leader for NAIFA and was an Advisor Today 4 Under 40. He is a graduate of the Leadership in Life Institute of NAIFA as well as Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and is an alum of Johns Hopkins University CTY. Joe has held dozens of leadership positions with Boy Scouts, The Autism Society of the Greater Hudson Region, and Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity in addition to being an Ambassador for The Ability Experience. He has published over a dozen books including Top 10’s “Financial Mistakes of Young Americans”.
In his free time, Joe enjoys running Ragnars (200 ish mile team relay races), ultramarathons, and is a 5th Dan Master in Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do from the Kukkiwon in Seoul, South Korea. He lives in Ballston Spa, New York, with his hooligans. They are huge Yankees fans.
Joe’s philosophy that has driven him to success in multiple areas and overcome devastating injuries, economic disasters, and personal tragedies is summarized as “Excellence, as opposed to Convenience.” Let him help unlock the excellence you and your organization have within to be better today.
Imagine you have just invested four years of your life and $250,000 to earn a college degree. You graduate; they give you a piece of paper and send you into the working world. But have they taught you: How do you pay your student loans?What your employee benefits package does?Why maxing out your 401(k) could cost you $750,000+?
These questions, plus numerous others, must be answered to operate as a fully functional financial adult. Financial Mistakes of Young Professionals empowers young adults to make intelligent, informed decisions for their financial future.