Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

          John's Additional Programs...

  • Collaboration Strategies for Improving Mobilization.             
  • Organizational Mapping for Improved Performance
  • Stress Reduction for Regaining Life's Balance
  • Get a Life
  • Speak to Influence
  • Developing Objectives & Planning Your Workshop
  • Change Your Organization For The Health Of It!
  • Organizational Mapping for Improved Performance
  • Collaboration Strategies for Improved Effectiveness
  • Stress Reduction for Regaining Life's Balance
  • Speaking With Impact!


John is a national and internationally recognized keynote and content expert speaker, author, and consultant. With over 30 years of experience his engaging and dynamic presentations continue to engage, delight and enlighten his audiences.

A frequent guest on radio and TV, he is a sought after conference speaker. For the past six years he was a frequent National Assoc. of School Nurses conference speaker providing the opening keynote at the 2014 NASN Conference in San Antonio, TX. In 2018 he was awarded the NASN President’s Recognition Award for “your far reaching, continued support and unique contributions to NASN”.

As President of Kriger Consulting, Inc., John specializes in the health services arena. He speaks and consults with healthcare agencies, hospitals, schools, treatment programs and agencies on Tech Dependence, Advocacy Through Public Speaking, Audience Engagement, Transformational Leadership, and Goal Achievement. John has worked with well over 700 organizations and 200,000 individuals nationally and internationally with consistent re-bookings.

His mantra of, “ If they don’t remember it, you didn’t teach it,” is a driving force for continual improvement.

A 13 yr. faculty member at the Johnson & Johnson and Rutgers School Health Leadership Institute, and a 25+ year faculty at the Rutgers Center for Alcohol Studies, and School Of Social Work Office of Continuing Education, consistently evaluated in the top 5%. He is a faculty member for the North Eastern University’s School Health Academy and former Visiting Professor at Beijing Normal University in Beijing, China.

John is the author of, The Pond: A Small Book About Making Big Changes, which was a required reading for the Johnson and Johnson School Health Leadership Institute. His second book, Turned On & Tuned Out, is a guide to understanding and managing technology dependence. His third book is currently in process and deals with impact of technology on mental health issues, violence, suicide, trafficking and predatory behavior.

He holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Human Services, a Masters of Science Degree in Management and is a NJ Licensed Clinical Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselor, a Nationally Certified Prevention Specialist and a New Jersey State Police trained Sexual Abuse Specialist.

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