Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!


TOPICS - • Adversity • Anti-Bullying • Australia • Challenge
• Future • Goal Setting • Leadership • Positive Attitude
• Perseverance • Resilience


  • Resilience, Goal Setting, Positive Psychology, The Future You
  • My Plan C, Been The Best You, Overcoming Adversity
  • How High To Set The Bar, Anti-Bullying
  • Leadership, Educating Your Mindset
  • Do What You Love, How To Stay Positive
  • Perseverance, Using Your Greatest Weakness


Discover how John Coutis inspires millions to overcome obstacles and do what they love anyway.

John Coutis – International Speaker, Trainer and Author, is a believer in your success. He is one of the world’s top professional speakers, having led the stage with the likes of Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, Lee Lacocca, Mark Victor Hansen, Stephen Covey, and Brian Tracy over the past 20 years.
He has inspired and educated millions of people, including business leaders, school children and sporting legends, around the world with countless examples of how our success is already written regardless of the gifts and talents we are born with. He teaches simple principles in leadership, resilience and using your experience in life to touch millions around you.
He has shared the stage with some of the world’s foremost international speakers, such as Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, and Lee Lacocca, to the National Achievers Conference, John Coutis has educated over 6M people and business leaders worldwide, and inspired 100’s of thousands of school children.
John Coutis’ reach into Asia is epic, with over 15,000 attendees at each talk, across 170 cities and the Red Army at either end of the stage to control the fans. He is followed throughout China and the world and remains engaged with his audience using a simple approach to networking through technology.
Talking to them, his speeches and talks are sought after across the world, having toured Australia, China, the USA, South Africa, New Zealand, England, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Singapore, Taiwan and Inner Mongolia.

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