When forward thinking companies want to transform their customer service into Exquisite Customer CARE they call on JoAnna Brandi to guide the way. For the last 25+ years JoAnna’s been teaching, coaching, cajoling, urging, provoking and inspiring companies to get beyond the idea of customer satisfaction and embrace Customer CARE. When you Create Authentic Relationships with Enthusiasm and Energy you build strong emotional bonds that lead to customer happiness, employee happiness, loyalty, repeat business and referrals. Happier customers lead to a happier bottom line.
President of JoAnna Brandi & Company since 1990, JoAnna is a consultant, a public speaker and the author of two books on customer loyalty, Winning At Customer Retention, 101 Ways to Keep ‘em Happy, Keep ‘em Loyal and Keep ‘em Coming Back and Building Customer Loyalty- 21 Essential Elements in Action as well as a gift book on positive thinking 54 Ways to Stay Positive in a Changing, Challenging and Sometimes Negative World.
JoAnna is the Publisher of The Customer Care Coach® – A weekly self study leadership training program in “The Art and Science of Exquisite Customer Care” as well as “Monday Morning Motivation” – a tool to keep employees focused on keeping the customers happy.
She has written over 500 articles and worked with companies that range in size from multinationals to small privately held companies. She is a popular and highly rated public speaker at conferences such as the World Conference on Customer Management, the North American Conference on Customer Management. She has been named the #1 Speaker at the Inc. Conference on Customer Strategy.