Speaker, Coach, Trainer, Author
Strategic and Financial Consultant
TOPICS - • Business • Corporate Culture • Ethics
• Finance • Integrity • Leadership
• Personal Development • Team Building • Teamwork
"Very informative and high-energy. I really enjoyed the seminar and received information that I could apply immediately. Jim did an excellent job of getting participants to share their experiences and incorporated these experiences in his teachings."-
-Kimberly Loftis, CP
"Jim was a very informative and experienced speaker. His "passion" for the material is obvious. I appreciated Jim's ability to encourage group participation and the sharing of ideas. He is a captivating instructor."-
-Kari J. De Lap
"I would like to thank you for presenting "How to Grow your Business" to our District Sales Managers. Your personal experiences and insight will help our managers improve their individual businesses. You were able to take some very dry topics, such as the planning process, and make it interesting with your humor and personal anecdotes. The morning was inspiring, fun and educational. I look forward to working with you in the future to help us build the most successful Colonial Organization in the Country."-
-Scott K. Fuller
"I thought your presentation to our association was worth the conference price of admission alone! You hit on so many topics that our generally family-based companies needed to hear. It was interesting to hear from those in attendance how much several individuals who were not in attendance would have learned from you presentation. Maybe some of the advice was passed long. But you made me a better businessman and my business partner enjoyed hearing my recap of your talk."
-David L. Spear, CSEP
Jim Lindell is President of Thorsten Consulting, a strategic and financial consulting firm that offers professional speaking, training, and executive coaching. Over the past two decades, Jim has delivered over 5,000 hours of C-suite executive coaching. His professional experience includes Chief Financial Officer, VP-Finance, Corporate Controller, and Corporate Assistant Controller. Industries include manufacturing, healthcare, not-for-profit, distribution, and food processing.
He is a CPA and has received the Certified Speaking Professional designation, the highest earned designation from the National Speakers Association. Jim is a Vistage Chairman (Executive Coach and Facilitator) and responsible for two groups in the Milwaukee area.
Jim is the author of Controller as Business Manager, Controllers Annual Update (Best Seller,) Analytics and Big Data for Accountants, and many other strategic and financial leadership courses that the AICPA and Wiley have published.
Also, Jim is a twelve-time recipient of the AICPA's Outstanding Discussion Leader Award.
He is a member of the Irish rock/folk music group "Deep Pool" and is unwilling to admit that he may have played his last rugby match.
Jim's Book
Controller As Business Manager
This publication will help finance and accounting managers understand and apply a critical set of financial and business management skill sets in order to become more integral contributors to the higher level business activities within their organization. With insight and examples the author will lead you through the strategies and thought processes that address key areas such as risk, communications, planning and profitability. The content emphasizes the additional roles that controllers and accounting managers are now playing within their organizations. It will show you a roadmap that can expand your role from a simple internal process / transaction orientation to an external orientation focused on understanding business, industry and macro trends.
This book will address: