Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

TOPICS - • Business • Investments • Marketing • Obstacles
• Performance • Personal Development • Real Estate
• Spirituality • Strategy • Success


  • Learning To Speak “Investor”… A Guide For Agents & Brokers To Know The Mind of A Real "Real Estate Investor”
  • Tax Liens & Deeds - The Socially Good Investment with 16-50% Guaranteed Returns
  • Social Entrepreneurship… The Bright Future of Cause Based Business
  • Finding Your Vocation - What is Your Calling In Business
  • The DREAM System To Personal Success (Decide, Resolve, Execute, Assess, Massage)


Keynote Speaker & Real Estate Investor Trainer/Mentor

I love to say that I haven’t had a job since I was 27 years old. And while it is technically true, that doesn’t mean I haven’t worked. In fact, I’ve worked my @$$ off and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am a full-time real estate investor and a part-time business owner. And since 1998 I’ve been helping people do the same… generate full-time income and build massive wealth while running a part-time business.

I’ve been speaking on my real estate investing strategies, entrepreneurship and peak personal performance since 1998. It was then that I found my greatest strength. Which is, to get people to take what they learn from me and take massive action. Perhaps you've listened to great speakers who gave you feelings of confidence and motivation...while they were on stage. But those feelings, that motivation, faded quickly because your true depth of connection with the material was minimal.

This is exactly the opposite of what I hear. I think of Gabriella Morales who had been to seminar after seminar trying to find what she was looking for to help her achieve success as an investor. She had spent of $50,000 on mentorships and trainings before she met me and hadn’t done a deal. Within 90 days of my training she had found a property with 40% returns. She formed a partnership with 5 other investors she met at my training which elevated her worries about capital for deals.

The reason I connect at a deeper level is because… well frankly, I’ve lived a pretty weird life so I’m able to identify with most anyone. 

By weird, I mean… I’m a surfer who grew up surfing in Arizona. I graduated High School in Brazil and lived 8 years of my life outside the United States. Three of those years were in Samoa. While there with my wife and kids, we built the first surf resort in that country. We also built and sold 4 small companies ranging from soap manufacturing to a clothing store.   
Since selling the resort in ’98, I have consistently spoken on entrepreneurial subjects while continuing to build and develop businesses of various sizes and types. Those businesses have ranged from Garage Storage/Flooring to Health & Wellness companies.

I’ve shared the stage with Kurt Warner, Barbara Bush, Zig Ziglar, Tom Hopkins, Tommy Lasorda and many others. I’ve been blessed to have spoken in 17 countries to more than 500,000 people with audiences as large as 12,000 and as small as 10. 

But… enough of that. I’d rather talk about my favorite stuff; my wife, Mona, of 32 years our 4 children, 6 grandchildren and our many adventures. We love to travel, surf, ski and eat. Mona is Samoan and has a huge family, so we are never alone, and there is always a party. And yes…you are all invited!

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Jason Porter has been investing in real estate since 1992 using creative methods that maximize profits and accomplish a social good too. Imagine earning 16% to 300% on your money while providing lower income individuals, military families and first-time home buyers with clean, safe, affordable housing. In this book you'll learn exactly how to purchase homes that local communities need sold to social minded investors. You'll learn to do the critical research to avoid common deadly mistakes and make sure that the properties YOU invest in will maximize your profits while accomplishing Real Good Deeds.

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