Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Janelle brittain, CEO, CSP, MBA

TOPICS - • Change • Communication • Delegation

• Executive Coaching • Leadership Development

• Management • Master of Ceremonies • Motivation

• Presentation Skills • Teamwork

janelle brittain - PROGRAMS

  •  Effective Leadership Communication Skills
  • Collaborative Communications
  • Leading Through Change
  • Delegate Like Your Career Depends on It
  • Create Results Focused Performance
  • Building High Performance Leadership Teams
  • The Power of the Extra Mile: 7 Keys to Light Their Fire
  • Continual Coaching for Exceptional Performance
  • How to Run Great Meetings That Get Results and Don’t Waste Time
  • Polishing Persuasive Presentation Skills
  • Speaking Skills for the Non-Speaker

"Enjoyed it tremendously! You keep the entire group involved and make us relate everything toward our working environment." 

-Cindy Deluny, Director, Intergovernmental Risk Management Association

“In an industry wracked by change, difficult communication and burnout, it is refreshing to have a presenter who can offer a different perspective. Your three programs were highlights of this year’s conference. A full 97% of participants gave you the highest rating.”

-Michael Kulczycki, Executive Director, Illinois Homecare Council

“We saw an immediate change (in our Board of Directors) during our meeting and we are looking forward to continued progress in months to come.”

-Board Director, Emergency Nurses Association

“Janelle not only designed the program to our needs but delivered it in our 'language.' I found it interesting to watch how she even changed her speech pattern and vocabulary to match our style, as she worked with us.”

-Beth Keeve, Vice President, Human Resources, Chicago Mercantile Exchange

“On behalf of everyone at Chrysler, I want to thank you for the knowledge and skills you’ve imparted. Our very future will be truly enhanced because of your fine efforts.”                           

-T.T. Cunningham, Executive Vice President, Chrysler Sales  Marketing

janelle brittain - Biography

Do you want real results after a program? Is practical real-world application important to your group? Then tap into Janelle Brittain’s interactive programs that engage and inspire audiences to make a difference in leadership, communications, change and performance improvement. She is known as the "Performance Excellence Expert" because her clients experience improved productivity, collaboration, adaptability and communications after practicing her techniques. All her programs are delivered with a sprinkling of humor, application stories, case studies, assessments, thought provoking and fun interactions with solid, immediately usable content.

She's the author of 6 published books, the latest two are, "Star Team Dynamics" and "How To Say It: Performance Reviews."

Janelle Brittain has more than 30 years of business experience in management, training, marketing and sales. She holds an Executive MBA and is a Certified Speaking Professional. She is an internationally recognized trainer, speaker, executive coach, facilitator and consultant.

She has delivered 1,000’s of programs to Fortune 100 companies such as Chrysler, Xerox and IBM, as well as professional associations, non-profits and branches of the government. 85% of Janelle’s clients book her for multiple events. Business publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily, Crain’s Chicago’s Business and the LA times frequently seek Janelle’s insight.

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janelle brittain - MEDIA

How To Say It: Performance Reviews

Written by two top business trainers, this guide reveals the strategies and language skills needed to make the most of performance appraisals - for both the reviewers and the reviewed. It breaks the process into five simple steps and explains what to say with hundreds of winning phrases organized by topic (and hundreds of counterproductive phrases too). Also included is advice on preparing an agenda, body language, and tone of voice - plus true success and horror stories.

Star Team Dynamics

One of the new paradigms for getting things done in corporate America involves the creation of teams. But the process is much more than just assembling a group of people with the right knowledge and abilities. The process of creating effective teams involves helping the individuals comfortably grow into their new roles.

Building on the successes and failures of real life organizations, Star Team(SM) Dynamics is both a step-by-step guide and a reference manual. This valuable book guides an organization from conception through maturation in the establishment of a team-based culture, supporting collaboration and new communications systems. Easy-to-read and apply, the book offers the reader practical tools, techniques and processes to organize structures in a way that will be both resilient and responsive. Star Team(SM) Dynamics is perfect for any executive, manager, team-leader, and -member planning a team-based culture.

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