Keynote Speaker/Author
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Irene's Additional Programs...
Information Specialist, Irene Baron , used NASA astronomy programs to find the Christmas star over a period of several
years. She used computers to document stars over the latitude and longitude of Bethlehem at 6 PM.
One of the nation's most award-winning teachers gives universities and education administrators information they need to help teachers excel in the classroom and enrich their schools across the curriculum. Teachers will become more involved in
education with increased excitement in their students who will begin to excel. It’s a win-win situation.
Colleges and universities primarily instruct teachers in education history and methodology. There are many tricks of the trade learned by experienced teachers through trial and error which allows them to make teaching easier and save time in preparation. Irene Baron reveals timesaving tips to help make the important first teaching year and following years easier.
A former teacher of 43 years and current pilot, Irene Baron worked with the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), Supreme Command Headquarters, Research & Development Center-Thailand during the Vietnam War. Trained as an Information Specialist with the World Council of Engineers in London, she was employed by Battelle Memorial Institute as Director of Aerial Photography flying left seat in Air America/CIA Sikorski Helio-19 helicopters along the Mekong River of Thailand, Laos & Cambodia. She contributed to the geology and hydrology sections of the Top-Secret Mekong River Project counterinsurgency book for the U.S. Armed Forces and authored the Operational Procedures Manual, Laboratory Material Division for ARPA Bangkok.
Baron used knowledge gained in the counterinsurgency field to create the award-winning science fiction/thriller MINDREACHER series. Her first nonfiction book using NASA astronomy programs to find the Christmas star was awarded the Gold Medal as the best Christian education book of 2013. Her historical narrative book about Mary, using Apostle James’ scriptures, was awarded the Bronze Medal for a Christian Biography in 2018.
Baron has a Hiram College BA in Science & Ohio University MA in Education Leadership & Administration. Irene Baron has more awards than any living teacher in the United States. They include being recognized as an Education Visionary by Governor Voinovich when named Governor's Fellow. She received awards from Governor Kasich, Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor, the Ohio Senate twice, and the Ohio House of Representatives.
Baron is a volunteer speaker for the NASA-Partner Eclipse Ambassador Program, NASA Night Sky Network, and the NSTA/Space Science Institute.
Government agencies fail to find terrorists threatening the United States with nuclear weapons. To remedy that, the new President forms a highly classified operation with an Executive Order. The Virtual ExtraSensory Perception Experimental Research project (VESPER) is created and housed in secret facilities under the JFK runways.
VESPER leaders learn of South African 'mindreachers' born several decades ago. Rumored to have the ability to read minds over great distances, no one knows their current locations. A teacher and pilot, Ana Masterson, is identified stateside as a minor telepath. She is hired by VESPER to find a mindreacher and teamed with elite warrior and former SEAL, Major Jon Coulter, USMC.
Despising anyone psychic, Coulter reluctantly follows orders to protect Masterson and report to his superiors how telepathy may be used in combat. Supplied with the latest in espionage gadgets, including embedded nano-size satellite tracking transceivers, their search begins in Johannesburg, South Africa. Not wanting to be identified, every terrorist cell places Masterson and Coulter on their hit list.
Readers will find it difficult to distinguish fact from fiction in this Indiana Jones style of friendly beginnings filled with memorable dueling characters, suspenseful changes in venue, exotic scenes, epic actions and a chart busting climax.
Mary Knew
Using the eyewitness testimony from Joseph's youngest son, Apostle James, Irene Baron wrote the biographical data in the historical narrative format.
The book was written in answer to a popular song asking if Mary knew what was going to happen to her. Baron said, "Yes, she knew. By the time she was one year old, all of Galilee knew she would be the mother of the Savior."
Unraveling the Christmas Star
Ancient skies above Bethlehem of Judea were surveyed using NASA astronomy computer programs. Astronomical events, found and compared with symbols and symbolic interpretations used over 2,000-years ago, prove the birth date of Jesus Christ.
Significant star events that occurred in the preceding months, verified with additional computer programs, describe the importance of the first God to be born on Earth. The last event, like a modern-day GPS, gave the geographical position for the birthplace of Jesus Immanuel. This research proved the event as written in the Bible is fact.
Written for understanding by readers ages 12 and older, it is an accurate and spellbinding account of the Christmas star phenomena. Basic astronomy is included in the book. The findings are based on proven astronomy computer programs, historical records, carvings and illustrations on ancient monuments, coins and legal seals dating back over 2,000 years.