Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Gayle Cotton is a distinguished, highly sought after Professional Keynote Speaker and presents for international companies around the world.


TOPICS -  • Business Etiquette • Communication

• Cross Cultural Communication • Cultural Etiquette

• Culture • Diversity • Presentation Skills  • Public Speaking

• Stress Management • Time Management


  • SAY Anything to Anyone, Anywhere! 5 Keys to Successful Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Global Business Etiquette: ‘Cultural Clues’, ‘Do's & Taboos’!
  •  Interpersonal Communications: Is What You Say What You Mean?
  • The Art of Successful Presentation Skills: It’s Beyond Words…
  • Time Mastery & Stress Management: 1440 Minutes - Use It or Lose It!
  • Gayle’s Story: 3 Strikes! Awareness is the First Step…

"This training was definitely a fruitful and pleasant experience. I want to thank Circles Of Excellence for their inspired and knowledgeable approach."
                                            -Marcel Claes, VP and Country Manager Bank of America

"There is no doubt Gayle would go above and beyond for a client."
                                                    -Richard Sear, VP Career Best Practices - Frost & Sullivan


Gayle Cotton is an Emmy Award Winner and the author of the Bestselling Book, ‘SAY Anything to Anyone, Anywhere! 5 Keys to Successful Cross-Cultural Communication’.
She is President of Circles Of Excellence Training & Coaching, an international Keynote Speaker, and an Executive Coach. She has worked with the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the U.S. government, and more than 50 Fortune 500 companies world-wide. She has been featured on BBC News, NBC News, Good Morning America, PM Magazine, PBS and more. Gayle has the distinction of being the first American to be accepted in the ‘European Association of Marketing and Sales Experts’ and is a Certified Expert in the ‘Executive Foundation for International Communication’. She is a professional resource for Young Presidents' Organization (YPO) and Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO). 
Let Gayle educate, entertain, and inspire your audience with her fresh and unique approach! Giving new meaning to the concept of creativity and productivity, she is on the leading edge of business communication. She has won the respect of Leaders and Executives around the world that turn to her for her expertise on culture and international business. Her vast experience living and working abroad has made her a ‘first choice’ request for any audience!

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Also Available as an Audio Book!

Differences are the spice of life! But cultural differences can also be the source of embarrassing faux pas and miscommunication for business and social travelers alike. No one wants to make a cross-cultural blunder—especially one that could have consequences for crucial partnerships or even your entire organization. But when you seek to understand the origins of these cultural distinctions and develop strategies to work with them, you’ll find that you can navigate any culture—whether virtually or in person—with ease. Awareness is the first step!

“This is an excellent guide to being more effective and comfortable with different people from different cultures – essential for anyone who travels to other countries.” ~Brian Tracy, Author - The 10 Disciplines of Exceptional Leadership

 “Whether for business or social relationships, this is a must-read book for anyone who communicates multiculturally. Read it, enjoy it, and do what it says!” ~Marshall Goldsmith, New York Times Bestselling Author - MOJO and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

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