Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

"My commitment is that each and every person will know that their voice is heard--that who they are & what they do matters."

                                            -Dr. Fred

Dr. Fred Moss

TOPICS - • Authenticity • Communication

• Connection • Creativity • Health & Wellness

• Humanity • Leadership • Listening • Mental Health

• Productivity

fred moss - PROGRAMS

  • Greatest Threat In The World is Not What You Think
  • You're Still On Mute: How To Get Your True Voice Into The Room And Be Applauded For It.
  • Rapid Restorative Healing: A Reliable Pathway To Instant Productivity In A Tired Office Setting
  • Human Connection Is At The Heart Of All Healing Everywhere 

fred moss - BIOGRAPHY

Holistic Physician, Restorative Coach, Podcaster, Psychiatrist Expert Witness at Welcome to Humanity with Dr. Fred Moss

Dr. Fred Moss arrived on Earth on March 1, 1958, and from that very second has been earmarked to be a healer. The family he was born into was in chaos and, in many ways, was counting on his arrival to bring health and wellness back into balance. Little Freddy had his hands full, and over the next six decades, he has made it his business to bring healing to the world around him, not only to his family and friends but to the community and world at large. What a journey it has been.

Dr. Fred has had a host of life experiences, including, among other things, being a 2-time college dropout and a Northwestern University Medical School graduate (1988). Over the last four decades, Dr. Fred has been firmly entrenched in the mental health system, first as a child care worker and then as an internationally well-known psychiatrist. In addition, Dr. Fred has had leadership roles in multiple modalities, including inpatient and outpatient, homeless shelters, nursing homes, orphanages, halfway houses, drug rehabilitation centers, home visits, prisons and jails, and telepsychiatry in many regions of the USA.

Dr. Fred has been committed to the notion that communication, connection, creativity, and conversation are at the heart of all healing of all conditions of all types. Without this, people simply do not heal. With it, miracles regularly occur. Voices heal. Listening heals. We humans are best when we are connected to others, and Dr. Fred’s life mission has now become to assure that all people know that who they are and what they do matters and that their voice, no matter where they are from, or where they are going, can be heard.

As the founder of the Welcome to Humanity movement, and the True Voice Podcasting Mastermind and methodology, Dr. Fred now finds himself making the difference he came here to make. His years in the community, where he has been a physician to over 40,000 patients, and his storied and adventurous life traveling around the world, has now left him uniquely qualified to remind us all of what we already know. Communication is where love arises from, and speaking truth and listening authentically are the source of that love.

Dr. Fred is married to his dream partner, Alexandra, and lives in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas in Northern California. He is the proud father of two beautiful children in Texas and is owned collectively by his three cats, Valentino, Despacito, and Winston.

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fred moss - MEDIA

Fred's Books

Creative 8: Health Through Creativity and Self-Expression

CREATIVE 8 offers a surprisingly simple method for healing, utilizing creativity & self-expression.Transformative Psychiatrist and coach DR. FRED MOSS developed the Creative 8 methodology in his private practice, and has used it successfully with both psychiatric patients and coaching clients alike.The method is easy to learn—anyone can implement it, and it can take less than 5 minutes per day. Really.Surprisingly simple and fun—the power and impact of the CREATIVE 8 should not be underestimated.In CREATIVE 8, Dr. Fred not only teaches the method itself, he provides helpful tips and coaching on optimal mindsets and attitudes for deriving the greatest value of the methodology.CREATIVE 8 provides readers—whether they be fellow practitioners, coaches, or individuals seeking hope and healing—with a simple, powerful, easy-to-implement practice that harnesses the uniquely human powers of creativity and self-expression to bring about healing.

Find Your True Voice: 10 Insights To Finally Get Your Message Heard

Learn How to Make Your Message True to Yourself!

What you have to say absolutely matters. This is true for every single person—including those with whom you disagree. Being heard for who you are—and contributing in a way that helps to move the conversation forward—is how we grow, as individuals and as societies. This is because when you step into that space and give yourself an authentic voice, you also give permission to other people to find their voice and speak their truth.

When people see that you’re delivering an authentic message, it’s contagious. When they sense that your voice is authentic, they begin to understand not only your message but also the fact that they have a space to have their own voices heard, and to make their own contribution to the conversation.

But if you’re not used to having a voice, it isn’t always easy to find the confidence to speak authentically.

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