Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

TOPICS - • Communication • Leadership • Management
• Marketing • Organizational Skills • Strategic Planning


  • The People Puzzle
  • Living With the 32 Hour Day
  • The Essence of Effective Boards
  • Customer Service: Coping With Challenging Conduct
  • Leading by Example
  • Polishing Your Logo


During his 25 year career with IBM, Frank developed extensive management instructional and philanthropic skills. Leaving IBM, he started Non-Profit & Management Consultants, enabling him to help numerous corporate and nonprofit organizations reach their immediate and long term goals by developing their people.  His clients have gained tangible techniques and skills that can be used immediately to improve their organization, professional career or personal life. He is also a Certified Executive Business and Life coach.

A keynote speaker and member of the National Speakers Association (NSA), Frank is a speaker, a keynote speaker and member of the National Speakers Association (NSA), Frank is a speaker, facilitator, and workshop leader of creative, interactive Keynote Sessions.

His clients include IBM, Penn State University, Fred Pryor/Career Track, Alabama Governor’s Conference of Volunteerism, General Mills, Catholic Charities, and United Ways.

He co-authored “Fantastic Customer Service Inside & Out”, an anthology written with 19 other experts. With more organizations performing services rather than producing goods, customers are focusing on service quality almost as much as they do price. Frank’s chapter explores how you can make service a leadership behavior in all your people and help your leaders serve others.

In addition to NSA, he is a national member of the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD), the Society of Human Resource Managers (SHRM), Association for Volunteer Resource Managers (AVRM), and the United Way of Buffalo & Erie County. He serves on several professional, cultural and civic Boards of Directors keeping his skills honed to current situations. He hosted "Crossroads," a personal development radio show in the Buffalo/Toronto area for eight years.

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