1. What does it mean to you to be ethical?
You need to define them, not just for yourselves, but for your people as well.
You need to embrace them and consistently train, model, reinforce, and live them daily. Remember people listen with their eyes, not their ears!
2. What guides you ethically?
List the values that you have internalized and prioritized in order of personal preference. Here’s a quick check for you. How many of your people can recite the company values and how they are lived in the workplace? Depending on your answer, there’s work to be done!
3. Have you made it a priority to help and guide your people to think ethically about their work?
This is not just a training activity but embracing a process of ethical and moral thinking that needs to be an integral part of all training initiatives and every decision made.
4. How well are you educating your people in the process of thinking ethically?
This process needs experts trained in ethics, morals, and ethical thinking who can help integrate the practical applications of such training into the workplace.
The process needs to be viewed and embraced by leaders as:
1. An investment, not an expense;
2. A proactive approach to creating an environment of trust;
3. A process that will be ongoing, all-inclusive, open to honest discussions, etc.
5. Ethical thinking just doesn’t happen; people need to be educated and coached through the process.
This is the lynchpin of the ongoing process of thinking ethically. What training and education have you provided your people thus far?? If you haven’t, what will it take to make this decision?
Be proactive, Need to UpSkill, start today.