Liz Reveles, MBA, and Master Certified I/O Psychologist is the owner of Rev it Up! Consulting Group which specializes in Leadership Development. “I grew up in Corporate America”, Liz likes to say since it was her first “real” job that lasted almost 30 years. Navigating through the ever-changing structures, Liz began noticing early on that good leaders make you want to work hard, believed in yourself, and brought out the best in you. While a bad leader diminished you, didn’t empower you, and made you work just enough to get by. Liz experienced this firsthand and thought, that is a feeling no employee should have to feel. Liz’s passion for leadership development grew as did her positioning inside a Fortune 50 company in training, coaching, and development for leaders.
Liz got the “speaking bug” (not hard since she was born with the gift of gab) when she was asked to be one of five presenters at the award ceremony for the Hispanic Scholarship Foundation. Speaking to over 2000 people solidified to Liz, that this was her wheelhouse.
In 2016, Liz was one of four speakers at the Southwest Administrator Conference in El Paso, Texas, which focused on communication in the workplace for over 500 administrative professionals. Later that year, she presented at the Southwest Leadership Conference on the topic of advanced communications for over 400 leaders. Liz’s love for speaking didn’t stop as she provided many words of inspiration, workshops, and training for employees at all levels.
Before retiring from corporate America, Liz obtained a Master Certification in Industrial-Organizational Psychology to help anchor her dream of having her own consulting business. Unfortunately, Covid 19 hit at that same time Liz was ready to launch her business, but everything happens for a reason. Liz’s world opened to expand her level of knowledge via WBEC, an organization that raises the standard of coaching. Its goal is to provide the world’s best training and resources to professional coaches, shifting them toward professional excellence in their careers. Liz attended many of the webinars offered. “I thought I was good to go, but I wasn’t”, Liz said. What Liz learned from this organization changed her entire business strategy.
In addition to her client base, Liz currently volunteers with Catchafire, which is an organization that offers professional services, pro-bono, to non-profit organizations. It’s a great way to keep the saw sharpened and it’s always good to give back.
Liz’s energy, sense of humor, and life glass half full attitude are infectious which translates in all she touches. Her experience as a front-line trainer, leader, and keynote speaker provides the opportunity for all to Rev it Up! Liz excels in “one size does not fit all” strategies and will customize the message to your organizational needs.