Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Whistleblower, Author, Whole Life Insurance Specialist

Elan Moas

TOPICS - • Ethics • Insurance • Life Insurance

• Whistleblower

elan moas - PROGRAMS


  • "My Whistleblower Journey: Unveiling the Truth in Universal Life Insurance"

elan moas - Biography

Elan is a fifteen year financial advisor specializing in cash value life insurance. After recognizing multiple structural flaws in universal life (UL, IUL, VUL, Group UL/VUL), an egregious compensation plan for the agents, and unethical practices by the insurers, Elan submitted SEC Whistleblower tips in 2016, 2023 (2x) and in 2024 to alert regulators how the consumer is unknowingly getting fleeced.

With Moas Consulting, Elan assists consumers in ethical life insurance guidance, life insurance training for advisors/CPAs/attorneys, university lecturer, consulting, guest podcasts, expert witness and speaking engagements.

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Will your universal life insurance policy LAPSE while you are still alive?

Attention Policyholders: If you own a universal life insurance policy (UL, IUL, VUL) or Group UL/VUL insurance policy from ANY life insurance provider, you must purchase this book to learn why your "permanent" policy could lapse (cease to exist) despite making all your payments.

Attention Investors: If you are an investor (bonds or equities) in the life insurance sector, you must purchase this book to understand the massive risk to which you are exposed.

After researching over 5,000 MetLife individual UL and VUL policies totaling over $1,000,000,000 ($1B) in death benefits, author and financial advisor, Elan Moas exposes how these policies are designed to fail rather than succeed. In Q1 2023, he presented his findings to the state of Massachusetts, the SEC, and submitted two new whistleblower complaints based on his research. His findings show why 90% of these policies will likely lapse before paying a death benefit.

The research reveals how:

- Lapsing UL and VUL policies are an entire life insurance industry problem, not just MetLife

- "Target" funding is where advisors and insurers maximize their commission but leave the insured with a policy destined to lapse.

- The May 2023 IUL Actuarial Guideline 49B (AG49B) update means that IUL sales made prior to that date were likely made with wrong investment illustration assumptions. The IUL chapter will leave all IUL policyholders horrified.

- Group UL/VUL policies offered to entire states and Fortune 500 companies are full of fatal structural policy flaws.

- Older adults' cash values are wiped out prior to their policy lapsing. That is elder abuse.

- To request your very own "in-force illustration," which is the future policy projection.

The unfortunate result of decades of life insurance industry greed and regulatory oversight incompetence will lead to the "Subprime Universal Life Insurance Company Crash of 2023." Which company will be the next Lehman Brothers?

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