Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Dexter scott

TOPICS - • Inspiration • Mindset • Motivation • Sales

Dexter scott- PROGRAMS

  • "Are you Willing to Look Stupid to Go After Your Dreams?"
  • "Can you Feel It? Feel Your Way to Greatness."
  • "You are Not Your Failures."

Dexter scott- Biography

Dexter L. Scott is a certified speaker, trainer, author, coach and mindset development instructor and Co-owner of “The UPgraders” Personal and Professional Development company with over 20 years of experience.

He studied with World Renowned Motivational Speaker Mr. Les Brown in the Empowerment Mentoring Program and has presented to and trained thousands.

Some of his accolades/accomplishments include:

  • 2023 Presidential Legacy Lifetime Achievement Award Honoree from 44th President Barack Obama

  • Author of “Help, My Mind is Too Loud” and Co-Author of Amazon #1 Bestseller, “The Heart of a Black Man”, and over 4 books on personal development, mindset, relationships, thought leadership and faith

  • Certified NLP Practitioner

  • Certified Speaker

  • Former Co-Host of Nationally Syndicated Radio Show “UPgrade Your Life”

  • Co-Host of “The UPgrade with Dexter and Dr. Tonya” Podcast heard on over 13 networks

  • Huffington Post contributor  “Million Dollar Magnetism” and review of NY Times bestselling author, Bishop TD Jakes and his book Soar

  • Selected leader from the Direct Sales industry to professionally film with Dr. John C. Maxwell on 15 Laws of Growth for Network Marketers

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dexter scott - MEDIA

Help, My Mind is Too Loud.

It has always been amazing to me how our ‘minds’ are always an afterthought in the grand scheme of our life experiences. From our youth to adulthood, we are taught a systematic approach of how to accomplish a task but never the power that drives it all, our minds. I am willing to bet just about anything to prove that no successful person arrived at their destination without exploring the depths of their mindset. Decluttering and quieting our minds, especially in today’s turbulent world, are essential to enriching our lives at home, at work, in the community and every other area of our experience. Even more, what goes on in our minds in our quiet time determine what happens next.

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