Innovative Action Speaker & Synergy Coach
TOPICS - • Challenge • Change • Communication
• Corporate Wellness • Disability
• Diversity, Equity & Inclusion • Employee Engagement
• Goal Setting • Master of Ceremonies
• Stress Mangement
After a major medical mistake, this industry leader found himself in a dark hole, seemingly impossible to escape. In pursuit of relentless forward progress towards his true desire to walk, talk and ‘live’ again, he Flip Flopped his thinking, created a Life by Design, then retook the stage to share the radical path he forged to get from where he was to where he wanted to be...a return to Outrageous Humanness.
David’s expertise on human connection, leading people from distraction to action, is highly sought after by industries and associations such as the Sandy Hook Promise Group. After the Broward County school shooting, David traveled the states to share the Know The Signs program with over 400,000 middle and high school students, administrators and law enforcement. He has taught new skills to those recently released from prison to empower them to remove the mental blockers holding them back from their greatness. As a representative for the disabled and DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), David has lent his voice to countless groups and towns to assist in creating healthier, more inclusive communities.
Infusing humor, this National Action Speaker and Synergy Coach helps people re-energize and shows companies how to re-imagine resilience by putting humans center stage. He is the President of the National Speakers Association (NSACF) and the admired originator of the Flip Flop Philosophy.
Outside of speaking, David resides in South Florida with his wife Lisa. Most days you can find him ‘on’ the water sailing with friends, ‘above’ the water parasailing or ‘by’ the water drinking coffee and chatting with a turtle.