• Artificial Intelligence • Leadership
• Positivity • Success • Team Building
• Technology • Work-Life Balance
Chris LaCour is a Technology Executive Leader, inspirational speaker, CIO, and a passionate team builder.
It’s possible that you’ve seen him on stage in various theatrical productions in Connecticut, Missouri, Kansas, and Michigan. It's equally possible that you've seen him clad in kilt while caber tossing in multiple circuits of Highland Games up and down the east coast. He is very memorable.
Where you are much LESS likely to have seen him is in his ongoing efforts to create corporate communities that are effective, talented, and joyful in their jobs. With over three decades of technology experience in startup, mid-sized enterprise, and global corporations, Chris has made it his mission to help employees and leaders realize that there can be excellence in the workplace that goes hand in hand with positivity and happiness. Chris has worked with and for small-scale companies like Ford Motor Company, Zoom, Cisco, FINRA, Vodacom, Vivoh, and a whole lot of others that you've never heard of.
Focusing on people and ensuring that their working experience can be exactly what you want it to be has proven to be the key to Chris's success over the years. Building those types of teams is what Chris does best. Imparting those important ideas and filling in the holes that exist in the education of corporate leaders has become a calling for him. It's also why Chris loves engaging audiences on these types of topics. Emerging technologies, tech teams that perform at an exemplary level, leading with compassion... all these concepts are conveyed with enthusiasm and authenticity by a 6 foot 9, 300 pound improvisational strongman.
Aside from creating this type of content, consulting, and performing, Chris's real passion is connecting with people. He and his wife and four of their five children live in Kansas City, MO. They can typically be found on stage with Bell Road Barn, RPT, or the Riverside Players. You may also run into them at any 80's arcade or bowling alley in the area.
“Is there anything more flattering than someone quoting your words back to you?"
-Chris LaCour