Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Carla's Programs

Gamification in Training Works!

An audience becomes bored when lectured to by the speaker – that’s just science. Without engagement techniques, they lose focus, lack retention, and do something else. The ultimate engagement method? Games. No matter the age of your audience, games are fun, easy, and create a reward system for learning and recall. Carla discusses how to build gamification into any training program.

Impromptu Speaking

Not every presentation you give is planned and carefully researched. The chance hallway conversation. The unexpected request for a project update. Or another speaker's request for input during their presentation. How do you appear composed and reflect your expertise when put on the spot? Carla discusses techniques that will help you shine in any situation.

Presentations Post-Pandemic

Remember our COVID bubbles? By pure necessity, the audiences we’re speaking with today spent two years working on Zoom and playing on a variety of streaming platforms. As a result, what grabs and holds their attention has changed forever. Ted Lasso’s ‘goldfish’ not only have a shorter attention span but also a far more discerning palette for storytelling. Carla discusses ways to present yourself and your message that will engage your audience from start to finish.

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