Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

TOPICS - • Branding • Comedy • Inspirational • Leadership
• Self-Help • Storytelling • Team Building • Team Culture
• Teamwork


  • Self-IMPROVment: Teaching Healthy Thinking Through Improv 
  • Yes-And: The Right Way To Respond When Something Goes Wrong
  • Yes-And for Managers: Building A Stronger Team Through Communication
  • Yes-And: Avoiding Stress and Staying Satisfied Through Improv
  • Make A Choice: Spend Less Time Worrying Over Decisions and More Time Getting Stuff Done
  • Point of Values: How To Get Good At Being You
  • Sticky Ideas: How To Talk In A Way Your Customer Will Hear
  • Telling The Jewish Story
  • The Story of Israel - A New Way To Talk About The Conflict


If you are looking to inspire and learn but keep things funny and engaging, Bryan is the right person for your talk or keynote. Bryan is a business-owner, coach, college athlete, standup comedian, and storyteller. His diverse experience and theater training allows him to combine a variety of wisdom and insight into a personable, humorous style. 

Whether you want your audience to feel engaged, inspired, or work better together, Bryan has a joke and a story to get them there.

Bryan's entire speaking style can be summed up in one acronym: MICS (Make It Common Sense). Although many speakers are experts in their topic, they usually forget that their audience isn't. The talk is delivered in a language the expert is familiar with but is not translated into a language the listener can understand. 

Bryan prides himself in getting to the core of complex ideas and articulating their message in a way that sticks. His down-to-earth, conversational style allows him to speak in a shared language that has an impact on his audiences long after his talk is over.

Bryan’s approach is grounded in the realities of every day life. His flagship workshop Self-IMPROVment, which teaches positive mental behaviors through improv, has been described as “if a Ted Talk and improv comedy had a baby.” Through an approach that could be called “stoic comedy,” Bryan encourages people to meet their lives with a humorous realism and focus on simple behaviors that allow them to feel more collaborative, less stressed, and more content with their every day lives. 

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What's the difference? They seem so similar that they are often used interchangeably. Both are used to fill a gap where knowledge is missing.

Even though one may be used in place of the other, only one kickstarts shifts in mindsets. Asking leads you to answers, things that are non-negotiable because they come from fact. 2+2=4. Asking doesn't tell you much beyond what

is on the other side of the equals sign. Reciting things you already know doesn't create shifts, in fact, it usually hinders them because it keeps you stuck in your box. Questioning, on the other hand, leads you to processes, which allow you to understand yourself and why you think the way you do. You cannot create a shift to somewhere new unless you have an understanding of where you started from. Once you become an astronaut of inner space and understand what is going on behind the scenes you can create pivots in your perception to become authentic and fulfilled. We learn more from questions than we do from answers.

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