Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Brian fine

TOPICS - • Conflict Resolution • Emotional Intelligence

• Facilitator • Finance • Goal Setting • Investments

• Networking • Real Estate • Retirement • Self-Defense

brian fine - PROGRAMS

  • Being the bank; a realistic plan for wealth domination and retirement.
  • The Housing Economy Demystified: Learn about the staggering opportunities in the largest sector of our economy.
  • Taxes, Inflation, Risk & Reward: In this class you will learn to underwrite like a master investor and learn the little-known opportunities and risks from inflation and the tax code.
  • Build your rental property wealth machine: leverage one of the most established wealth vehicles in human history, updated for success in a post-covid economy!
  • Pragmatic Real Estate Investing: Leverage proven strategies and systems backed by hard data to build your real estate fortune.

brian fine - Biography

Brian is a seasoned entrepreneur and a dynamic professional speaker with over a decade of experience in the real estate industry. Since 2012, he has been actively involved in hundreds of real estate transactions and has successfully built a robust buy & hold rental portfolio consisting of over 300 units. Brian is a certified master facilitator and has coached thousands of entrepreneurs, helping them achieve their business goals. He is a sought-after speaker known for his engaging and entertaining style, having educated and entertained audiences from various stages for years. Brian's expertise extends to raising millions of dollars in private capital quarterly, making him a valuable resource for those looking to succeed in the real estate and investment sectors.

In addition to his real estate and facilitating expertise, Brian has traveled the world for over 22 years to study and teach traditional martial arts. This journey has enriched his understanding of discipline, respect, and the transformative power of martial arts in shaping not only physical prowess but also the mind and spirit. This unique combination of real estate acumen and martial arts wisdom allows Brian to approach challenges with a balanced perspective, integrating the discipline and focus of martial arts with the strategic thinking required to succeed in today’s world.

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brian fine - MEDIA

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