Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

atlas aultman

TOPICS - • Decision Making • Improvement

• Leadership • MIndset • Motivation • Professionalism

• Survival • Team Building • Transforming • Youth

atlas aultman - PROGRAMS

  • Start with WHO (Leadership, at Elite levels)
  • 3 wins! (Decision Making)
  • Passion and Pigeonholes (Team Building)
  • Failing Forward (Survival/Motivation)
  • Question Marks (Process Improvement)
  • The 3 A's (Professionalism)
  • Words matter (Youth)
  • Stress Rocks (Mindset)
  • Yo! Yo! Yo! (Motivation)
  • Targets beat goals (Personal Transformation) 

atlas aultman - BIOGRAPHY

International bestselling author & award-winning leader JOSHUA “ATLAS” AULTMAN helps proven leaders focus on who they are, who their teams are, and who their mission serves by providing master-courses, books, and keynotes designed to produce faster successes, retain talent, and attract high-value teammates.

After almost 3 decades of serving in the most elite teams he could be in while serving in the United States Military, Atlas outwardly states that he joined the profession of arms to study leaders in various scenarios. He now shares lessons - from his notes and time in Special Operations, war zones, and White House communities, and every organization he served in, all of whom were recognized with top honors, using stories. He’s helped thousands of leaders, held responsibility for billions of dollars, and has recorded hundreds of successes, innovation improvements, and team wins while leading people in over 30 countries.

Atlas’s military career established him as a highly decorated senior-ranking military leader. He was awarded two Bronze Star medals from leading teams in various combat zones located in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a technology leader, he was recognized as an international “Top 40-under-40” from Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association after being named White House Junior Officer of the year. His official military record holds an additional 21 Air Force, Navy & Marine Corps medals. Every unit he served under won major organizational awards, so he’s also an expert cake eater.

Completing his Air Force commitment, he was voted one of the top unknown speakers in the United States during the first season of the Great American Speak Off competition & TV show. Since then, he has shared the stage with fortune 5 advisors, professional athletes, and thought leaders from around the world to inspire a new perspective on leadership. His TEDx talk in SouthLakeTahoe exposes exactly how elite leaders make huge decisions quickly and continue to win. 

His books have been featured on FOX, NBC, ABC, Google, and other major news outlets. He has contributed stories with lessons for multiple podcast hosts around the world. Atlas has five international best-selling books, holding bestseller status in US, Canada, UK, and Australia. His most recent book became #1 in personal transformation, memoirs, and motivation categories.

Atlas resides with his family in Phoenix and is always ready to share his stories by fitting them into your events theme.

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atlas aultman - MEDIA

Ever wondered why elite leaders inspire and drive success while others falter despite tireless efforts? The secret is simpler than you think: it's all about the Rule of 3.

Have you ever had a feeling that, despite your best efforts, you're just managing rather than leading?

Do you sometimes end the day with a heavy sigh, wondering if you're truly inspiring your team?

Do you wonder if you were better off staying put in your old role, rather than taking on the responsibilities of leadership?

If your answer to any of these is a resounding “yes” – You’re definitely not alone.

According to the Center for Creative Leadership, leaders all around the world struggle with challenges related to their effectiveness, their ability to inspire and develop others, and how they navigate change.

But what if there's a proven formula that can turn the tide in your favor, guiding you toward extraordinary leadership?

Imagine yourself leading an organization with a clear vision, unstoppable drive, and an outstanding fortitude for turning challenges into opportunities.

In this illuminating guide, you're about to uncover the secret "Rule of 3" employed by the most successful leaders across a spectrum of fields – and apply it to drive yourself and your team to success.

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