Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

antoni lacinai

TOPICS - • Communication • Customer Experience

• Customer Service • Employee Engagement

• Goal Setting • Growth • Leadership • Performance

• Sales • Sales Management

antoni lacinai - PROGRAMS


  • The real reason for employee engagement!
  • Hybrid leadership and Hybrid Workplaces: Welcome to the Best of Both Worlds!
  • World Class Customer Meetings!
  • Goals! Set them. Get them. Have fun!
  • Maximizing Performance for Continuous Growth!
  • You Get the Team You deSERVE!

antoni lacinai - BIOGRAPHY

Antoni Lacinai loves to create illustrations for his keynotes, songs to his friends and business blueprints to his customers . He has a unique way of making complex matters simple. A perfect excuse to never learn more than four chords on his guitar…

Antoni Lacinai is a keynote speaker, author and an executive coach on Workplace communication. He is at the cross-point of Leadership- and Customer communication as well as Employee engagement. 

Antoni Lacinai supports leaders and teams who want to be world class communicators. utilizing a unique blueprint, based on deep psychology and years of research, This facilitates massive outcomes – and more fun at work. His firm belief is that if we get along better we will collaborate better, and if enough good people and corporations do that, we will have a chance to break the downward spiral of the climate crisis and help our young people with their future. 

Antoni delivers with positive energy and high clarity. His keynotes are filled with both inspirational insights and a strategic outlook, but also concrete tips on how to lead, serve and collaborate better. All this to have a more motivating work life and get better results.

Antoni was nominated as The international speaker of the year in Finland 2022. In 2019 he came in 3rd place at the Swedish championship of Storytelling, and he has also been voted one of the most popular speakers in Sweden the last four years. His TEDx talk has been an inspiration to more than 200,000 viewers.

Antoni is an author and co-author of 13 books on communication, a regular columnist at leadership magazines and is interviewed on national TV and media. 

He has continuously studied leadership, consciousness, marketing, psychology, mental training, NLP, coaching and more.

Antoni is a board member of National Speakers Association – Sweden, as well as Global Speakers federation. He is also a member of Virtual Speakers association International.

Antoni Lacinai is a Certified Virtual Presenter

Added to this, Antoni Lacinai is also regarded as one of Sweden’s best moderators and the perfect go-to-person if you want a professional moderator who is not a celebrity stealing the focus from the content. In this capacity he has shared the stage with people like Simon Sinek, Gary Kasparov, Arianna Huffington, ministers etc. 

Before his career as a keynote speaker, Antoni worked in the IT/telecom industry in various leading positions, within sales and marketing, from 1990.

Antoni lives in the south of Sweden where he spends most of his time with his family and friends between assignments. He also debuted as a fictional writer in 2020. 

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Below About Antoni's Books

antoni lacinai - MEDIA

Anotoni's Books

Employee engagement

20 keys to outstanding workplace communication

Nominated in Sweden 2020 as the Marketing book of the year. The HR-book of the year and the Project Management book of the year

Can you really say exactly what you mean? Can you fully understand other people? Is there a link between how you treat your co-workers and how they will perform? Can you engage a client by telling stories, or do you kill the deal with too many boring slides? 

In this thought-provoking book, Antoni Lacinai has gathered 20 keys – insights, tips and tools – on how best to communicate in our workplace when we are leading people, selling to customers or collaborating with our peers. The thesis is simple: Great communication leads to higher engagement, which leads to better results. 

Virtual leadership: The challenges leaders aim to overcome

This is a guide for you who want to elevate your virtual leadership skills. Antoni Lacinai, global keynote speaker and expert in leadership communication and employee engagement, asked 500 virtual leaders what challenges they face when leading remote teams. This is a summary of their answers; the pros and cons, the pitfalls and a number of powerful questions on what you can do to create high engagement in your remote teams.
You will probably fall into one of these four categories:   
1.The NO CLUE. Here are leaders with no competence in leading remote teams. They are either scared or unconsciously incompetent. A disaster.
2.The SOME CLUE. These leaders have started the journey, do video meetings but lack skills to engage and excel.
3.The ALMOST GOOD. Leaders here have experience and things are going pretty well, but they still don’t feel that the engagement and productivity is the best. It’s just ok.
4.The OUTSTANDING. Leaders engage, involve, set common goals, know how to present online, respect each remote team member and get the best out of them. Productivity is high.
If you belong to any of the categories 1-3 then this book is for you. You can also find more books from Antoni Lacinai on Amazon, including Employee engagement, Virtual meetings and Understanding body language.

Understanding Body Language: 51 Gestures and What They Signal

Everything about you communicates. What you say, how you sound, how you look and how you listen. You cannot NOT communicate, even if you don’t say a word. When you’re not speaking or when they’re not speaking, it’s the body language that counts. This mini-book is an invaluable guide, helping you identify and interpret 51 different gestures and the information and emotions they transmit. It will help you read other people’s emotions and understand how your own gestures can affect others. It’s filled with photos and illustrations.

Virtual Meetings

Set them up. Lead them well. Reach your goals. Analog communication is almost always a better choice – in itself. But sometimes it takes too much time to travel, it is too costly and your impact on the environment is too high. Then, virtual meetings make sense. This is a book for managers and other meeting leaders who want concrete tips on how to lead people better when they are at remote locations.

Make Meetings Work

Set them up. Lead them well. Reach your goals. This book is the most practical guide you will find on how to prepare and lead day-to-day meetings you have at work. It’s loaded with tips, tools and methods – all very concrete and practical for the successful morning meeting, staff meeting, information meeting, customer meeting, weekly meeting… The book is divided into three parts: Before, During and After. Plenty of pitfalls will be presented along with three fixes for each. Read it. Use it. Make your work-meetings work!

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