"A changed mindset will produce a change in behavior."
Angelica Stevenson
Additional Programs
•Level 1-The 13 Principles of Universal Law: The Value WithIn Us All
•Level 2-The Areas of Life: Know Your Llys
•Level 3-The IEyes Have It
•Level 4-The BASE-ics of YOU
•Level 5-The One Size Fits All Communications Connector
•Level 6-The FOUNDation of YOU
•Level 7-Get Yourselves Off the Shelf: The Powers of Yourself
•Level 8-You Are A Tool: Your 6 Power Tools
Fed up with the amnesia of the human race, Karma takes universal and human measures to show humans how to rule while teaching and reminding them of their divine inheritance along the way.
Side Effects tells the story of four women whose lives are intertwined by love, betrayal, jealousy, and lies. However, they must learn how to live their own lives before the side effects of their parents make it their last.