Andy "The Aussie" Robinson
TOPICS -• Australia • Encouragement • Goal Setting
• Humor • Laughter • Leadership • Personal Growth
• Public Speaking • Self-Esteem • Spirituality
• Teamwork
Andy Robinson is a highly sought-after Keynote speaker around Australia and overseas. An amazing storyteller with a great sense of humor, Andy had an early start in public speaking, with positions in youth work, counseling and pastoral care. He gained experience in the business world in sales, marketing and management, before starting his own business in speaking, training and consulting. In the LeadersRus Seminars and Keynote Sessions, Andy dives into such topics as Leadership, teamwork, personal goals and self-esteem. He is also in demand in training others in public speaking.
Is Leadership only for the people at the top of an organization? No! This is the biggest myth surrounding leadership! The reality is that we are all leaders, and leadership skills are essential for all people, from all walks of life.
In his powerful new book, LeadersRus, leadership trainer and facilitator, Andy Robinson, provides a unique insight and fresh vision on new approaches into personal leadership. He explains how we all have leadership gifts, skills and experience that we can access, develop and share every day, to live better, more purposeful lives.
From leadership at home, to the workplace and in our spiritual lives, LeadersRus will equip you with simple, yet powerful ways of uncovering our existing leadership skills and experiences, coupled with challenges and opportunities to develop these further and achieve a level of mastery.