Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Keynote and Author/Professor of Marketing, California State University Dominguez Hills/Masters’ and Doctorate Degrees from Wagner School, New York University

DR. allan colman

TOPICS -  • Acceleration • Artificial Intelligence

• Entrepreneurship • Growth • Leadership • Marketing

• Revenue

DR. allan colman - PROGRAMS

  • "Will AI Replace Leadership?
  • THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES" - AI synergy with human judgement will indeed provide the emperor with a very "fitting" set of new clothes, enhancing leadership.
  • Will AI Hogtie or Kickstart Revenue Acceleration?"
  • Properly structured, implementing AI into revenue      acceleration efforts can be a true "kickstart."
  • The 90 Day Revenue Sprint" 
  • A "catapult" workshop.

         It is designed to catapult participants towards                   their  revenue goals with unmatched speed and               efficiency.

DR. allan colman - Biography

Dr. Allan Colman is an accomplished professional, combining 3 decades of leadership successes along with sales acceleration. From leading a 5,600 employee public agency, to clients who have produced millions of dollars of new business, he is recognized as a leader in strengthening operational structures which continue to perform. Allan is a Professor of Marketing and Sales at California State University Dominguez Hills.  As a thought leader, he is the author of 4 books on leadership and revenue acceleration, published by Made For Success, Inc., Sammamish, WA, including his latest book,”THE REVENUE ACCELERATOR”, an Amazon Best Seller.


Allan’s programs include humor and tactics to liven and make usable skills for attendees. 

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DR. allan colman - MEDIA


It’s a pleasure to present my newest book, THE REVENUE ACCELERATOR – 21 Boosters to Launch Your Startup, to you. It’s designed to help avoid many of the problems startup entrepreneurs experience in making the leap from building their product or service to selling it.

With a startup failure rate of 80% (2020 National Report on Early-Stage Entrepreneurship in the United States), these failures usually occur due to a lack of knowledge and access to resources. Therefore, we present four unique features, applying the lessons in real-world, contemporary settings. We use humor and cartoons to reinforce the lessons:

  1. Case studies of ongoing startups;
  2. Extensive quotes from executives, business leaders and marketing directors;
  3. Accelerator Checklists at the end of each chapter;
  4. More than two dozen interviews and comments from startup entrepreneurs.


To Lead "Like a Boss" means to develop a new set of leadership skills -leading with style and courage. This collection of leadership principles from authors, PhD’s, psychologists, CEO’s and professional speakers is designed to help new leaders develop instantaneous leadership results.

Would you like to become an incredible leader of change…and have your team love it? Would you like to understand the 3 core traits of young leaders? Perhaps you’d like to discover how leaders face the top 7 personality challenges and succeed? Well now you can. Internationally acclaimed authors present their incredible ideas on how new leaders can adapt to personalities in the workplace and generate loyal followers:

  1. How to Leave a Legacy in your Company
  2. Understand the Top 7 Personality Challenges
  3. Master the 4 Core Strategies Essential to Managing Change
  4. How to Lead the Four Stages of Change
  5. How to Lead Beyond Your Own Style

This team of authors, PhD’s, psychologists, CEO’s and professional speakers has teamed-up to share their success secrets for developing leadership skills. Every leader is faced with responding to rapid changes in the marketplace with imperfect data to make decisions.

Using the concepts in this collection of guiding principles from multiple experts will help you lead your teams and guarantee that they embrace…and yes, even love change! You’ll learn what Wikipedia has to say about people skewing their personality profile scores, and discover what Socrates revealed about you…over 2500 years ago. Just like Jim Collins says in “Good to Great”, you will discover how to lead your company and create enduring change that lasts.

By examining leadership in amazing situations, you’ll develop your own leadership philosophies shaped by stories of seasoned leaders including Steve Jobs, Sir Richard Branson, Oprah, Lady Di and New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani.

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