Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!


No matter what your role in your business, you are the Chief Agility Officer (CAO) for your scope of responsibility. Like it of lump it, if you don't step up as the CAO, trust Mike that no one else will! 

Mike tells his story of arriving at that clarity in 3 words that sum up the role of a Chief Agility Officer ...

"Leadership" in his 20s, starting his leadership career in the real world working on offshore oil & gas drilling rigs where he realizes now that he got a great schooling in the first principles of what he teaches today. During a 2 year full time MBA at London Business School he committed to going into leadership in industry.
"Breakthrough" in his 30s, in the business world when Mike rapidly became an Executive, CEO and Divisional CEO in the Aerospace Industry leveraging breakthrough leadership to go above and beyond incremental achievements.   
 "Agile" in his 40s and onwards, in the advisory world helping CEOs, Executives and their teams lead breakthrough achievements with a pace of change to stay ahead of accelerating disruption.
"Agile Breakthrough Leadership" is the role of a Chief Agility Officer. In telling his own story, Mike invites the audience to ponder their own 3 words. From that place of clarity, he explores their role as Chief Agility Officer and all that it takes.
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