Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!


Organizational agility assessments usually score lowest on decision making as one of the most challenging aspects of enterprise agility ... typically describing decision making as not fast enough, too bureaucratic by committee and subject to the inertia of politics, second guessing and poor implementation. 

Mike explains why and what can be done about it by reframing the challenge as Agile C2C: Conversation-Flow to Cash-Flow. You show me a business with poor cash-flow and I will show you a business with poor conversation-flow. Where the trajectory of your conversation-flow goes the trajectory of your cash-flow follows!

It is essential for CEOs, Executives and their teams to realize that decision-making is part of a bigger conversation-flow, including the unfolding flow of how we link and accumulate individual Thoughts, Questions, Decisions and Actions (TQDA) divergently and convergently. That is the challenge of innovation flow.

Yes, actions are a part of the conversation. A conversation with reality. Reality is talking to us loud and clear about what's working and what's not working, if only we will take real-actions sooner to give reality a voice. That opens a door to an agile mindset.

Mike walks your audience through that door to understand that decision making lives in this broader context of innovation flow, which is the key to agile decision making at the heart of agile conversation-flow becoming agile cash-flow and agile share price!
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