Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Program 1

Discover the DaVinci In You

The DaVinci Michelangelo Speakers Series

By comparing and contrasting the lives of Leonardo and Michelangelo, discourse challenges the individual to reach their full potential. Mark’s mission is to inspire your employees and raise personal awareness to ultimately bring a person’s quality of life to the next level.


For the first time, Mark Rodgers, the Curator of The DaVinci Machines & Michelangelo Exhibitions for North America, is now available for your company’s Keynote Address! Mark compares and contrasts the incredible lives of Leonardo and Michelangelo as never before. Featuring videos, 3-D animation of DaVinci’s magnificent machines, inventions, the 350 cubic-inch engine, film clips, and select Michelangelo’s masterpieces. 

Throughout Mark’s keynote address, he is fun, funny, and informative while he is constantly engaging the audience. The 45-minute discourse showcases these two legendary geniuses at their very best, looking at their work through a contemporary lens, and relating them to the present-day geniuses of Jacques Couteau, Les Paul, Van Cliburn, and Paul McCartney.


The message is to inspire your employees to reach their full potential to “Discover the DaVinci In You” inspired by these monumental geniuses. 

Applicable Industries / Categories

Aviation – Automotive – Manufacturing – Design – Architecture - Patents – Motivation - Art

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