Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Hooking A Catfish

Preventing financial, emotional, and productive losses.


There are more than 1,500 dating apps available for download.

According to the FBI $2.5 billion was reported in scam losses in 2022.

(And that’s only those that reported it)


The pandemic left us all in dire need of human contact, and many people shifted to online dating to keep their romantic life afloat. A tremendous loss in productivity has developed in parallel with the increased use of these applications.


Predictions show that more than 30 million adults in America will have enrolled in dating apps by 2024.. The dating landscape has shifted dramatically towards online dating and away from traditional methods in recent years. The emergence and popularization of dating apps have changed how people meet and interact with potential romantic and sexual partners. It is estimated that 55% of the world’s population uses a dating app and over 50% report accessing the site while at work. 


This keynote or workshop will help your attendees discover tips, tools, and resources to help reduce their loss of productivity, stress, and cash.

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