Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Leading During Times of Uncertainty

How to confidently take on the unknown we face, together

Who it’s for:
Those who want to prepare for challenges and uncertainty by unlocking the creativity and open minded thinking needed to weather the storm.

Talk overview:
It’s human nature to seek the sense of comfort we feel with consistency and stability. Yet, we look toward the future and see more change and uncertainty than ever - economic downturn, shifts in the workforce, residual effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and more unknowns to come. A Stanford University survey assessed business uncertainty is at its highest since 2015, with the level accelerating at an unprecedented rate. So, the only thing that’s certain is that there is more uncertainty ahead.

This state of instability can leave us feeling unsettled, demoralized, and anxious about the future. As a result, decision-making tends to become fear-based and progress slows; we become more rigid, and effective leadership declines. Rather than becoming adaptive, organization tend to be reactive.

During these times, leadership expert David Mead urges you to stop resisting uncertainty and choose to run toward it by building and maintaining a resilient culture. In this interactive talk, David will share simple ideas to shift our perception of challenging situations and how we can see them as opportunities.

Through polling and Q&A, David will encourage active participation that can prompt ideas for action for attendees. Audiences will walk away with tangible tools that can be practiced daily in order to fully engage their hearts and minds when obstacles arise.

Key concepts of the session include:

  • Our two primary drivers - Love and Fear
  • How to understand and manage the way we lead and influence others
  • Leading when we don’t know the answer
  • The humility to say, “I don’t know” and empowering others to contribute to the solution
  • Activating innovation in our team
  • How to create an environment of trust and collaboration where people feel confident to share ideas and take risks
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