Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Trust and Connection in a Hybrid World

How to keep people, and keep them thriving

Length: 25 - 45 minutes

Who it's for: Leaders and teams facing the challenges of hybrid and remote work who want simple, actionable tools to build and maintain strong connections to their organization and each other.

Talk overview: The way we work has changed. What hasn't changed is the importance of trust and human connection. Although the human element was vital pre-pandemic, it was often ignored or minimized. Now, it demands our attention and the leaders and teams who

embrace the human element of business will be those who thrive in the long term. This interactive talk covers three essential traits required to infuse the human element into our cultures, along with simple, frictionless daily practices we can implement regardless of whether we hold a position of authority or not. When we put these traits into daily practice, we experience work in a new way. Trust

increases, psychological safety becomes the rule rather than the exception, innovation and creativity bloom, performance and retention increase. The result? Individuals thrive and organizations flourish.

As a result of this session, participants will leave with:

• A better understanding of how to connect with their teams, in person

  and remotely

• A mindset that guides them in behavior and decision-making

• Tangible tools that increase their teams' engagement, productivity

   and a sense of belonging

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