Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Freedom Fires:

Leading Through the Fires of Change

We are living in an age of rapid change. Regardless of whether it is global pandemics, emerging technologies, injustice, inequality or planetary issues such as climate change one thing is true. In order to thrive in these fires of change leaders must ignite the fires within. Conscious leaders must have the ability to burn through old patterns and paradigms to be the pioneers of a new narrative in business.


In this presentation Annastacia will take the audience through a step by step process that will enable leaders to tap into the infinite power of Freedom Fires. This is a process enabling leaders to navigate through a crisis and to come out the other side feeling more empowered, on purpose and able to reach for a much higher potential as a human being.


The audience will walk away with the tools to ignite personal change, to make an assessment of what in their personal and professional life needs to shift in order for them to evolve as a conscious leader. They will have a much deeper connection to purpose in leadership and will be empowered to use the fires of change as a catalyst for a new kind of purpose driven business model. One that puts people at the heart of all operations.

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